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So, after playing TES 3 4 and now 5... where do apples come from? LOL. I see grape vines and holly bushes and watermelon patches. But I have yet to see an apple tree. Might be something worth adding in south east skyrim perhaps? :thumbsup:


This should definitely be included in some kind of overhaul as well.

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We could have introduced into skyrim, the great, great, grand-offspring Jorgen or Janiike Appleseed. Everyone knows the legend how Iðunn ( AKA Johanna/Johonnes Appleseed) was duped with precious apples into the wildernes causing all kinds of issues for the devines.
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They'd fit around Falkreath or the Fall Forest/Rift region. Other than that it'd be too cold for fruit-bearing trees to actually have fruit.
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