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Scrip Dragon


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Good thing i'v yet to login to steam and grab the updates, sticking with the last patch ( not the beta ), going to wait till the patches come out and the whole load order mess gets sorted out lol. Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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Okay just confirmed the above method works. My game runs fine now with the SD mod in place.

I did have to do a little bit of a work around though. For whatever reason Windows wont let you chose the Restore option, so right-click on the old exe version and go to Properties, then copy the file path & paste it in to Windows Explorer. From there you can do what you want with the old exe version :)


Of course, if you don't have Windows 7 or system restore turned on, you are screwed

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What files must I delete to remove Script Dragon? I'm getting tired of waiting for an update to the tool and would rather just get rid of it and mods that use Script Dragon in the meantime.


When opening Skyrim, I get a critical error from Script Dragon saying the most recent version it supports is months old by now. I tried deleting the .dll file, but Skyrim still won't launch because it's searching for Script Dragon to load. What else must I remove?


Edit: Found a stray file requiring Script Dragon that I forgot to remove. Skyrim boots up now, but it also crashes shortly after the Skyrim logo is displayed on-screen, after the Bethesda logo fades.

Edited by Trochannah
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The "hook" for Script Dragon is the DInput8.dll found inside the game root folder, it's safe to remove this dll from that folder And only from that folder.


About the crashes, that is a common symptom of mods relying on a missing ESP although may be due to some other cause. Verify carefully your load order and double check the active/deactivated ESM/ESPs.

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