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Force a change of scene?


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Currently stuck in Someguy's "New Vegas Bounties III" quest: "And Hell followed With Him". My game always hangs while fading from black into the scene where the townsfolk have been rounded up in the square as the player regains consciousness. At this point I have no control, and can't access the console. I've researched that this is a fairly common problem, but all the suggested solutions haven't worked, there are no "official" ones except to move higher (lower index number) in the load order; which was also unproductive.


I've viewed video of the scene and determined it's all "theater" with no player interaction so it can reasonably be skipped to the next quest: "Ain't No Grave". But that entails another "fade to black" and scene change.

So the question is: how do I force the scene change from Brookshire's office (the last moment at which I can access the console) before moving (which triggers the trap), to the cabin (somewhere west of town) where the player wakes up with Thorne? I can find the quests and such in xEdit and GECK, but just setting stage indexes is not sufficient. And it would seem that trying to access a conversation that occurs in a different location (where I can enter the console command) wouldn't work either.

Hoping a quest scripter will have an idea where I should look.



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I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but with how much help you put out for the general public, I'd rather not see this go unanswered.


So let's start out simple and try to see what we can do. I'm not really familiar with COC (and console commands in general), but I'm going to assume you've already tried that or run into an issue with it. I don't know a lot about Someguy's scripting style, but what I'd use to move the player is by using the moveto function on the player targeted at an Xmarker at the desired destination. Again, I'm not familiar enough with console commands to know if it'll actually work, but theoretically, you should be able to do it if you've got the marker's refID (player.moveto refID) from there, you could possibly use setstage to advance the quest stage.


There could be other problems though. If there's a script or a secondary, 'helper quest' that's supposed to modify variables that are not directly changed by the stage's result script in either itself or the quest script when the event is triggered, you'll probably have to set those variables manually, due to my lack of knowledge of the console, I can't guarantee this is even possible to do from in game.


You could try tracking down the exact steps that make everything happen then go into GECK and attach them to an object with an OnActivate script as a workaround.


Hopefully, someone who can provide better help will come along with a better solution before you'd have to go through all that, though.

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Thanks for the advice. While I found and examined the quest scripts, I didn't notice any "secondary" quest scripts. But from the fade-out and fade-in transitions to different locations, I would say there pretty much has to be Xmarkers. I just didn't see any "moveto" commands. Which in turn suggests they must be in the secondary quests I haven't found yet. So that gives me something else to look into. That and "event triggers".


I believe I have an idea as to at least an exterior cell location where I can "resume" things if necessary. But I am concerned about the result variabiles that will probably need to be set. Again that ties back into locating the scripts where they are set, so it's all really the same line of investigation.


Appreciate the leads. (Someguy writes really good quests, but sometimes his coding ... needs help.)



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It's evidently a game "hang" while loading. The task manager shows it accumulating CPU cycles, but I left it running for four hours and never got any further. The "fade-in" never actually completes, leaving me with a "gray screen" and actors in heavy fog. Some dialog plays and then stops, some figures initially move and freeze, etc. I do get the "Poison removed" notification, so I would expect the controls to be re-enabled, but the keyboard and mouse are completely unresponsive at that point. At the very least it is consistent as to the point at which it hangs. I wondered if it might be a bad or missing file, so I tried installing v0.952 and the v0.954 patch instead of the v0.954 Full version, but it hangs at the same point.


Perhaps I will find the culprit digging further into the scripts.



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This appears to be the script that does the moving ... "scn aaKillRoomExitTriggerSCRIPT"


Where it has these lines at bottom ...




set GameHour to 2
setstage aaNVB3Main03 15
Player.CastImmediateOnSelf NVDLC04RestUp;
player.moveto aaPlayerCapturedTownMarkerREF
set doOnce to 1
I found it by looking for this line text "setstage aaNVB3Main03 15"
Which checking that as a condition is used in some AI packages.
Also this script "aaNVB3Main03QuestSCRIPT" has this variable "SceneStage"
But I can't find it to be set or checked anywhere , so I'm guessing the author may have declared it initially , then decided to just use the quest stage 15 instead ^shrug^
Hope that helps to sort out where your problem is happening ... and maybe you can just redo the end of that script ?
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Thanks for looking into it. I have decided I need to see about fixing the script(s) instead of trying to by-pass the scene. Too many things happening that affect the end-of-quest; so many I would need to create my own script instead.


I had found that same code. The "KillRoom" appears to be solely for the purpose of stripping off any companions: primarily by killing them with a few mod specific exceptions. As I never had any companions throughout the mod, I don't believe it ever actually did anything with me. Because of the "player.moveto aaPlayerCapturedTownMarkerREF" command in the "ExitTrigger" script, and that I do wind up there, it seems like my problem lies in the next script: "aaTownCaptureScene01TriggerSCRIPT.txt" or later.


I just researched the NVSE "DebugMode" command (added as a Tip to the "Scripting" section of the "Getting started" article), so I am going to try to dump debugging to a file so I can trace the script progress and pin down just which script is hanging. Do you have any insights on implementing that to offer beyond what the GECK wiki "Debug Dumps" page has? For instance: how do I test that debug mode is enabled? It appears right now that you can't; you can only use NVSE functions with that test already built-in such as "DebugPrint". In order to get that output to a file instead of the console, it appears I need to give the "Con_SCOF" command first. Have I got that correct?



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You are talking about stuff I know nothing about ... I am more of just hands on approach ,,, me don't know debug tools/edicut ???


With that script you mention ... to me looks to be the end of the scene ??? But I don't see a return to regular scale for player.


There is also dialogue needing the queststage 15 condition ... and "MarkoGreeted" script variable wich seems to control a lot during that scene.

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