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Best rig for heavily modded Skyrim?


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I'm building a gaming rig and I'm wondering what sort of hardware I should be looking into to play Skyrim with a ton of mods at 1920x1080 on ultra settings. I have an idea as to what I'd need for an un-modded skyrim thanks to some of the benchmarks out there, but I don't know what the performance impact will be if I intend to stuff it with mods into the future.

Thanks a ton!

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Well i think you'll need a lot of ram (or good ones) a lot of the mods sucks ram out of your machine :) a heavy graphics card something like 2 GTX 560Ti i gigs

where do you live? country? i can get you some links to the cheapest sites

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The cpu clock speed is what counts the most, it really doesn't matter so much in games whether it is an intel or amd. Though BGS games are quite cpu heavy..

The 2500k overclocks like a beast, and with amd looking to drop out of desktop cpus in the future, I would say look at intel if you can afford one.


6850 would be decent. well into the highs for specs.

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I have an i5 2500k and a Radeon HD 6950 2gb graphics card. I have many graphic mods installed and I can maintain close to 60 fps. I turn shadows from ultra to high (this really improves performance). I also run in windowed mode and use the borderless window mod. I was having stuttering problems with full screen mode. Hope this helps.
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