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what you don't like in Fallout 4


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'Our' favourite game? Nononono. Far from it. For me, Morrowind holds that place. Fallout 4 doesn't even fit in the top 10.


Things I hate about Fallout 4 (without mods) are...

- That I'm forced to play as a married 30-something law-school-graduated mother. (Or as a married 30-something military veteran father, but I don't play as male, so...)

- That the player character is voiced.

- That because of the above two, there's little to no replayability. You are always the 'role' of a 30-something North American mother/father looking for his/her kid. It's an FPS, not an RPG.

- That the main quest is just Fallout 3's main quest, but in reverse (instead of looking for your parent, you're looking for your kid. 'Yay'.)

- That Beth brought back the 'radiant chores' thing, which is just a poor excuse to not bother doing any work on quests.

- Vaults are still super-tiny.

- Very few quests. Large-ish map that has little in it.

- I spent more time decorating my settlements than I did anything else.

- Tried to copy Bioware's style of dialogue/story telling, and failed. (And Bioware tried to copy Beth's open-world...and did marginally better.)

- Yes. Yes [sarcastic]. Yes. Maybe. (Do I really need to say more on this one?)

- No decent subway system. It's one of the things I enjoyed about FO3 that wasn't brought forward, even though Boston apparently has a really huge underground railway system.


So...largely what I hate are the story elements/lack of choice where it comes to the character I play as.

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last part of our favorite game

i mean last part of 'Fallout' series))

just yesterday I asked the same question to a colleague at work, he is also a big fan of a fallout, but he said he does not like the fallout 4. I asked why, and he did not find what to answer

this way i'm asking here)

i don't like fallout 4 too, btw x)

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It's been a long time since I did a Proctor Quinlan mission but I thought what the hell ?

I pick the Scribe up and escort him to South Boston Military Checkpoint and I quickly kill the Gunners there.

Meanwhile there is a battle at the nearby scrapyard between a BOS Vertibird and the Super Mutants there. The Scribe decides to run over and take on the Super Mutants. I shoot a Mutant Hound in the "tail area" just as it is about to grab his throat, then kill about a dozen Mutants. As the last one dies I hear "gah !" from the Scribe as he dies.

I reload, and the same thing happens but I manage to kill all the Mutants. He is still alive. Then a party of Rust Devils turns up with a Sentrybot. I manage to kill them all and take him back to the checkpoint. He won't check the terminal. I fast travel to Coastal Cottage and back and he finally does his job then we go back to the Prydwen.

What should have been a 5 minute mission has taken about half an hour.

This is what I hate.

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- You are foisted into a character and backstory that I don't find engaging in the slightest. Because the player character is voiced and the dialogue is poorly written, it's impossible to get away from the personality given to us by Bethesda. Multiple playthroughs are basically pointless because you can't really play a different character.
- Fully voiced player character keeps me from making the mods I want to make.
- There are very few quests outside of the main quest.

- The main quest is rubbish for two main reasons, the first being that I absolutely do not give a s*** about saving babies, and the second being that you simply aren't given enough options for completing it.
- The factions are rubbish, and since they insist on killing each other it is impossible to add any sort of complexity to your player's life. No decorated Imperial war heroes secretly assassinating the Emperor, no dirty thieves hiding their sordid operations behind a the facade of a noble and honorable Companion and Thane. You are a Brotherhood guy so you must kill everyone that is not a Brotherhood, then also kill some of the Brotherhood for not being Brotherhoody enough, and then you must spend the rest of your days collecting technical documents.
- Virtually all quests consist of going to the place and shooting the thing. Developing skills that do not directly pertain to going places and shooting things is a waste of time.
- One one hand, the "shooting things" element of Fallout has been vastly improved from previous iterations. On the other hand, it "shooting things" in Fallout 4 is still nowhere near fun enough to be the 95% of the game's content.
- Four dialogue options: "Yes!" ".... yes." "Yes in the form of a dad joke," "I'll leave and come back when I'm ready to say yes"
- The optimization is s***.
- The visual design looks bland in a lot of places, and the world simply doesn't have a compelling aesthetic to it. Bethesda's vision of a "post-apocalyptic wasteland" is basically just Eastern Washington on a normal day.
- The background music for the Castle has this incredibly loud, abrupt intro that always jars me straight out of my immersion.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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Lack of sex.

Umm, 4-Play.


I don't play it for the story. I don't play it for the DLC. I don't play it get to know the npcs or companions. I play it to shoot crap, blow it up, explore and build stuff anywhere I want. Honestly though, I like the protag's voice. As far as role playing goes in my mind, she was in a boring marriage, hated the house and neighborhood they lived in, was already thinking about having an affair with the guy down the street, was secretly resentful of Shaun because she didn't really like children, and she wished she had stuck with that wild girlfriend from college and joined a motorcycle gang. She is quite content with how things turned out. :devil:

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