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xOBSE is v21 as it is v21.8 right now. Only difference is that it has less bugs and a new function to see if someone is dressed or not and slowly it gets more functions and what they focus at is stability and bugs firstly.


Have you ever tried to perform naked before a jarl in Skyrim?? I did that as I thought it wouldn't do any difference so I did that before one of the old female jarls. The Jarl told my char to go and get dressed and never come in that state again. I got very surprised when that did happen and now it is possible to do the same easy in Oblivion in a single row if you want too. So I couldn't perform with my bard mod until I got dressed up again :D


Yes I have xOBSE v0021.8 (and 0021.5) downloaded (though I'm not using either yet). I think it's best to make sure to use the "xOBSE" moniker when referring to it and "OBSE" when referring to the Silverlock v0021 version.


I've never played Skyrim myself, but Oblivion uses the gold value of your worn items to identify "naked" vs "dressed". Mods like Companion Vilja get plenty of comments with people complaining about Vilja telling their character to "put on some clothes" when the player is wearing mod added clothes (which are often zero gold in value ... thus the game registers the player as naked).


The advice was always the same ... put on a ring or amulet worth at least one gold and you can run around buck naked to the eye and nobody cares in the slightest.

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I did that, to test it. I put on a top and let my char perform to the jarl with a bare butt. She did not notice it, maybe because the lute did cover the lower parts?? :wink: She thanked my char for the nice performance and gave it 30 gold and the bard guild was happy too.


I do refer to it. There is no differences except the bugfixes and the new function. Even Maskar tells the MOO players to use it and he knows his crap for sure. ;)

Edited by Pellape
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