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Looking for a few obvious mods


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Hi everyone. I'm wondering if anyone can point me towards a few mods to solve some silly issues with the game.


The most obvious ones are:

-More gold for traders to buy stuff off you

-A mod to respec perk points. ie, give you them all back so you can re-choose your perks.

-Being able to wear two rings at once (just two, not 150). And i don't mind if this would be unbalanced, that's what the difficulty slider is for :P



Some less obvious ones

-Less of those silly essential/unkillable NPCs. I get that major quest npcs should probably be unkillable, but skyrim has too many unkillable people who aren't really important.. Is there a mod that makes a lot more people killable, while still keeping immortality on the ones whose death would REALLY screw things up? breaking lesser/unimportant quests as a consequence of killing people is fine.


-Something to make destruction magic more viable. I've tried several times to play a hybrid destruction/one-handed character, and it seems like no matter what i do, by the mid-teens my destruction magic is essentially worthless compared to slashing things. Some overall boosts to destruction damage, especially of the higher level spells, would be good. Each additional tier of spells feels less and less worth the mana cost.


-Proper usage of the imperial solders' armour. As far as i'm aware, there's three armour pieces (metal imperial helmet, plus the two imperial shields) which are actually not used in the game. At all. by anyone. A mod even just to give shields to imperial soldiers would be a great start, and seeing more of them with metal armour would be nice too. The Imperial Leather Brigade just doesn't cut it


-Some better levelling system for the Blacksmith skill. Maybe make it actually relevant to what you're making, and the materials useed. So that smithing isn't just iron dagger spam til 100 skill.



if anyone's seen any mods that are like these, please let me know ^^

Edited by WarKirby3333
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1. Vendors have more money with options


2. Don't of any :/


3. For more rings, I use this: Unlimted RIngs Multilingual. It makes you able to wear as many rings as you want, but you only need to be strongwilled and only use 2 ;)


4. Don't of any, except: Kill them Generals. It's a mod that allows you kill stormcloaks and imperial generals after the Civil War missions.. I know it's not what you wanted, but still..


5. Balanced Magic will make the destruction spells scale according to your skill. I use this mod and I like it very much.


6. Sorry, I don't know of any that fixes that problem.


7. Complete Crafting Overhaul is an excellent mod with many changes to the crafting, and it will make it harder to grind levels making iron daggers.


I hope this little list can help you :)

Edited by craxmerax
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