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Vlindrel Hall glitch at arcane encahnting table


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not sure where this might go but heere's the deal: I married Lydia first chance I could then got tired of her in my Whiterun home...divorced her, targeted and then married HROKI and moved her into Vlindrel Hall

here's where the strange begins....Vlindrel Hall is a big house and I would find wife Hroki in any number of places at various times there3fore I assumed the scripts play they wrote the 'wife' in that house allowed her to walk around everywhere...I even found her bent over the arcane enchanter from time to time, and never really thought much of it until I picked her pockets to remover clothing to watch her walk around the house nude...was not long before she went into the room to use the arcane encahneter and what happened next just amazed me...she began to masterbate...seriously with no mods or any help from me at all...after she left I used the enchanter and it also simultaed my right hand going beneath the table and 'doing something' which I could not see due to my view


Next time I picked her clothes off and waited for over 30 minuts until she finally got back to the enchanter and this time toook screen shots of her doing her thing


Has anyone else discovered this in the program? If anyone reading this has the house in Markarth at Vlindrel hall, please try to check out the arcane enchating table to see if you get the same result...again, I have scree shots if anyone want to see proof but my guess is that someone at bethesday wrote this in there as this did not come from anything else that I could ever imagine

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