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[WIP] Gothic Plate armour


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I'm considering implementing a cube map for reflections as well.


YES, definitely consider reflections. Can't be a "knight in shining armor" without the shiny part. The ported Witcher 2 plate armors would be a good example of shiny/reflective armor that can still have a worn-out and used look to it. I think this style would compliment your armor very nicely. All up to you though, but keep up the great work!

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I've paused the completion of texturing to get the model ready in-game. Unfortunately, I'm getting all manner of rendering problems and mesh errors on export when viewed in Nifskope and In the game. The persistent problem is parts of the upper arm armour and parts of the pauldrons having transparent faces in places, yet the normals aren't flipped. The error doesn't appear in 3ds Max which makes fixing it a pain. On top of this, random faces on the mesh get deleted from time to time on export.


If I can't get around this, I'll have to remodel those parts from scratch.

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exporter issue. It mostly seems to happen on skinned meshes, working with the plugin for many years now, the actual vertex number order has an affect on it from my tests, like if you rearrange the vertex num order, different faces get dropped, and it is more frequent as you get to about 10k tri and over per mesh object. Also stripifying/triangulating the mesh might fix it.


It's just a bit of a pita.


the thing to do is make an entirely fresh max scene, reset, and import the mesh as an fbx or obj. reset xform. then you can merge in a mesh that you extracted the skin weights to get the rigging back off of, but the actual export mesh you should make an obj or soemthing rather than merging the object into a fresh scene....


check the channels on the mesh and delete any that are not used, like vc/colors or extra UV channels.


And actually triangulate the mesh before export. ie connect all the edges.


if that doesn't work try the stripification/ triangulate, I know that you don't want strips in the end, but if the export goes out then converting it to a NiTriShape in nifskope doesn't do anything bad to it, just don't make a habit of it.


yeah, I know :facepalm:

Edited by Ghogiel
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Thanks for the response. I've found that it's the BSDismemberSkinInstance that's breaking my mesh.

I've been using that Morpher script to rig it, so it looks like I'll have to figure how to do it manually.

Edited by The SH0CKER
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Pretty happy with the texture for the Torso:



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Due to Skyrim's lighting etc being different, I've tweaked the texture to fit in with Skyrim better:


I'm going to make a better pair of gauntlets than my original set, and then I should be finished.

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