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Playing as yourself in Skyrim.


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I am not sure how I got onto this line of thought, but I started wondering how I would go about playing as myself in Skyrim. Sort of a `I suddenly found myself warped to an unfamiliar location and, before I know it, I am arrested, along with a group of other people, and stuffed onto a carriage' as a backstory. Next thing you know, you are facing execution, then there is a freaking dragon and shiz is, like, totally going down and you were there, and you, and you!


Has anyone done this before, or thought about how they would go about it? Skyrim fits this concept better than past Elder Scrolls games, because you do not have Major/Minor skills to worry about at character creation. You build up the skills in a more natural manner, suiting a person who has no idea where they are or what is happening around them. Where would you draw the line between realism and playing the game? For example, you may not know how to use a sword, but your starting One Handed skill is likely poor anyway, and anyone can work out where the pointy bit goes. On the other hand, even with low lock-picking skill, there is nothing stopping you from picking a Master Lock, when your real self likely has no clue how locks are picked. How about Race? Should you restrict yourself to human races (I assume there are no elves, lizards or cats reading this), or would you pick a race that reflects a part of your personality?

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I always play me as my first character. Then the stumbling around with no clue of what I'm doing makes complete sense. The second time around I make up a character so it makes sense that he/she/it already know the place.
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I always play as me. It probably helps that I'm fairly good at archery in real life: It makes it feel less like cheating when I inevitably start using a bow.
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I thought this was going to be about creating yourself using the character creation, which would be extremely difficult. I've never really thought of doing that, I think the thought that i'm actually just sitting at a computer desk in my bedroom would kind of ruin that immersion for me, whereas when it's an entirely different person altogether, I don't have that in the way.
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In oblivion and both fallouts my character is myself thanks to facegen exchange, shame there isn´t such program for skyrim :(
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I find playing as myself exceedingly difficult because one can never, ever get their character looking right. As far as combat mechanics, skills, playstyle and dialogue is concerned I do very well playing as me, making choices I would make and fighting how I'd like to think I would.
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I play games to get away from my old boring self. If I played as myself I'd sit at some desk all day offering support to snotty imperials, angry Nords and trying to decipher what some kajiits and argonions tried to say!
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