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Project Terrakus - The New World


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A New World, Fraught With Conflict And Opportunities


The point of this Mod :biggrin:


What I hope to add is a world quite unlike Tamriel, which consists of radical nations trying to maintain peace between each other while repelling a otherworldly menace. It will be larger than Cyrodill, but most likely consist of less dungeons and locations. I wish to make the world have a wilderness that is truelly wild, and not spattered with random forts plonked down all over. Every location will have a story, and will be made as appealing as possible.


The Story :blink:


During the Age of Ayleid rule in Cyrodill, many unique nations existed in which some worshipped daedric gods. There was one nation that worshiped the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. The elves lived in an underground city, The Black Labyrinth built with obsidian stone granted to them by the prince himself. In return for the gift of power, the daedra wished to be summoned to Nirn.


When building a great portal, the Ayleids used the power of Nedic slaves, which they employed by the thousands. Overworked, underfed, and beaten, the slaves were kept within the deepest reaches of the city when not in use, unsure of their future.


Meanwhile, in another world... :ohmy:


The Neovushi ai Tunnusteia (Council of Explorers) of the magically profficient nation of Naitulla on the planet of Terrakus, was attempting to contact extraterrestrial forms of life by means of portals. They had searched the stars in search of a planet with a high amount of magic stemming from it. The planet they happened to find was Nirn. They aimed their arcane machineries at the largest concentration of magic on the planet, which happened to be in the depths of the Black Labyrinth.


Back on Tamriel... :ninja:


The Ayleids had finished their construction of the portal to Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion, and were preparing to summon their lord to Nirn. It just so happened that the Naitulla had opened their portal right over theirs.


A massive magical influx blasted through the Black Labyrinth, shattering welkynd stones, destroying magical mechanisms and completely shaking the city to its base.


When the Man-like Naitullains stepped out of the portal, donned in their blue and orange robes and armor, and expected to meet a friendly nation. They were horribly wrong as the Ayleids went berserk and attacked the otherworlders with intense ferocity.


When the magical wave destroyed most of the locks in the city, the Nedic slaves broke out of their prisons and scattered and fled. Those who fled for the exit of the city were killed but those who fled to the portal room saw the Naitullains as saviors and rushed into their portal to seek refuge wherever it takes them.


Realising that there were what appeared to be slaves rushing into the portal, the Natullains held their ground as long as possible to rescue the nedes. Eventually they had to retreat to their world and close the gate, leaving behind all who could not make it.


Confused and angry, the Ayleids believed that Dagon had tricked them into building a portal so that he could kill them all with demon troops. They abandoned their ebony city and left to find another land to inhabit. The nation was never heard of again.


Now the Black Labyrinth lies deep beneath the land, it's endless halls housing a secret that no one has seen in thousands of years. Many have tried to plunge its depths, but those who escape say the place is haunted by the spirits of dead demons...


A few points to make. :wallbash:


-I will have a map of the world up once my friend remakes it on the computer (it's hand drawn atm)


-The natives of Terrakus will have their own language, so prepare to be confused!


-I know this is a huge undertaking, but I don't plan on finishing this in a month or two. I expect it to take a year and so to at least get half way. after that I think it will be much quicker to finish.


-I plan on releasing this mod in 4 different parts

1. The Black Labyrinth (Ayleid Ruin where the portal is)

2. Huruutaka (The Steamy Mountains)

3. Paradise (The Eastern wilds and marshlands)

4. Kairyyt (The Great Desert)


-Don't think of me as just another mod maker that will give up on his work. I will never give up on this mod until the world blows itself apart and I lose my precious internets or I die. :mellow:


I will be constantly updating this as it goes on!


Oh, and most importantly, If you read down to this part, :thanks: !


By the way, when people become more aware of this, I will organize this page and add WIP Screenshots of The Black Labyrinth.

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Right now I have my friend working on modelling and texturing, although he doesn't have the game yet and is learning how to use blender. Soon I will get my cousin to help by pressganging him into the cause. My cousin and I really need to learn how to script and make quests, but we have the basics down... :whistling:


So, the roster at the moment is...


1 - Me (World building, Writer, {scripter, modeler and texturer at some point})


2 - My friend (Modeling and Texturing)


3 - My cousin ( not sure yet.)


every person in this group has Blender, Nifskope, and GIMP, we just need to learn how to use them before we can really kick things off.


I, for one, need to install some scripts to Nifskope so it can sho the textures!

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Yeah, I know, it's not a whole lot organised at the moment, but I'm talking to my friend about it at school and my cousin really likes modding so he'll probably jump aboard on the weekend. Then I'll have to find people for other things, too :wallbash:


I've also done a whole lot of concepts, so I'm just letting you guys know (Or maybe just Chris :mellow: ) that I'm getting somethjing done in the meantime.

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