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Problems after installing mods


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One of the files that "SneakingRealism_En_v3.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic
Info "EMPTY"
Expression Error Unable to find global variable "PCGreatBeast" in script order_beastargscript.

I installed some mods, now i cant play the game. How i solve this?
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I don't have a lot of experience and hopefully someone else will respond, but here are some thoughts.


Adding or removing mods can cause problems with saved games. You can use Wyre Mash to update both dependencies to master files and save game files. Also, if you load a save game, resave, and reload, that will resolve some warning messages.


If you add or remove mods that add creatures or items/objects to leveled lists, you should use something like TESTool to create merged level lists. I also use a list resequencer which was recommended by MLOX. You should use MLOX to help establish your mod load order. It also will alert you to some problems like missing mods that something is dependent on.


I don't know about your specific warnings, but I had similar warnings when I was trying to get 250+ mods to work together. Wyre Mash, TESTool, resequencer, and MLOX solved most of them. Carefully reading the mod readme files and manually installing them instead of using NMM also helped a lot.


Finally, when I had specific warning text, I googled the text warnings to look for posts on any forum that might already have solved the issue. That worked several times for me.


Good luck!

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Post your mod list. Ideally in load order form (from Wrye Mash or mlox), otherwise from the bottom of your morrowind.ini


One of the files that "SneakingRealism_En_v3.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

but not necessarily fix any errors.

One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

That usually means the plugin was created with a different version of Morrowind to the one you have installed. It can mean a different language, or an earlier game version (e.g. pre-Tribunal).


When creating a plugin (.ESP) the plugin's masters (.ESM) are recorded in the plugin header, along with the ESM's file size.


When you load a plugin the saved file size is checked against the file size of the relevant ESM you have installed.


If they don't match that error is shown.


You can fix it in Wrye Mash. On the mods tab these mods will have a yellow checkbox, select them and then look for the Save button in the bottom right. Click that and the plugin header will be updated with the file sizes of the ESMs from your install. You won't see the error again.

Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic

Info "EMPTY"

Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic

Info "EMPTY"

Object "order_liche_elijah" not found for dialogue type Topic

Info "EMPTY"

Expression Error Unable to find global variable "PCGreatBeast" in script order_beastargscript.

These look like mod errors. Don't ring bells with me. Post your mod list though. May need to use a grep tool (I use TextCrawler) to search your plugin files to find the culprit(s).
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