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Lydia's animation


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I know that the animation of Lydia (and the other female housecarls) has been discussed before, and solutions are proposed to change the standing and walking animations. However, I have a specific problem that I have tried to solve for some time. Without success though, so I m turning to this forum for help.

The situation is that I used NPCeditor to change the appearance of Lydia, and then disabled the use of opposite gender animations in the HousecarlWhiterun.esp, using the CK.

I play through the game with different characters that all use Lydia as companion. Now the problem is that Lydia’s animations seem to be changed to female for only one of my characters/games, and NOT for the others.

I so hope that someone can help me get this problem solved…

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I'm having a similar problem. Lydia has the male animations, period. No matter what mod I use to change that, its no good. I see no change in her idle, walking and running animations.


Altough I made it once, I don't remember the mod that did it, but I did. Now even if I use only 1 mod for that purpose, does not work.


Note: this only happens with one of my characters, as follows:


On character 1: Lydia is ok, as Mjol too, they are both using female animations. Using a female follower fix to resolve, affects both Lydia and Mjol.

On character 2: Lydia still using male animations; Mjol, uses female animations. Using a female follower fix to resolve, this same mod does not affect Lydia. Why?

Edited by marciosilva
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Just use the NPC Editor to create a .BSA of Lydia (HousecarlWhiterun) and change her "Stance" under the "Appearance -> General" tab to 'female' ... Save in your Data directory -> make sure the file is activated in the launcher -> Profit ...
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I did that... I even used a lot of other mods that should do the same, but no good.


Funny is, other housecarls and followers like Mjol, changed with the mods. But not Lydia. And Lydia also changed in my other character, other save. Currently I'm playing a 3rd character from scratch, and Lydia is also using female stances and animations. So, something screwed up that particular Lydia in that game, but not my others.

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  On 4/30/2012 at 2:37 PM, marciosilva said:

I did that... I even used a lot of other mods that should do the same, but no good.


Funny is, other housecarls and followers like Mjol, changed with the mods. But not Lydia. And Lydia also changed in my other character, other save. Currently I'm playing a 3rd character from scratch, and Lydia is also using female stances and animations. So, something screwed up that particular Lydia in that game, but not my others.


I'm bumping this post since I'm having the exact same problem. I'm using the Lydia CBBE 02 Lydia and for the life of me I can't get it to unbutch no matter what I mod. On the other hand if I don't use CBBE 02 Lydia, some of the unbutch mods work. I want to know what about Lydia CBBE 02 doesn't work with these mods or if there's something out there that can unbutch her for good regardless of what's going on in the operations (like maybe a vanilla overhaul for all npc animations including housecarls?).


I'm sure the devs of this game went to great lengths or if not so, could provide an easy way in which to allow the female housecarls to exude some estrogen... They obviously made sure they were butch as hell without effecting the rest of the female npc's, so they should also know how to unbutch :S.


P.S. somehow sex changing lydia into a man gives her the right pose but with rather... unflattering features obviously, though I have to wonder if she's tagged as an orc or male or something in the game data.

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I have moved all my save game files to a backup folder and started a new toon from scratch. I'm also using the same set of mods from start. The result is a very smooth game.


I'm using a variety of mods such as CBBE, body textures, Bella's Females, Greatswords textures, Better Dynamic Snow, Immersive Water, Crimson Blood, Horse Whisper, Map HUD, World Map with Roads, Ore and Ingots Textures, Female Follower Fix, Human Basic Needs and a few more. Some of these use scripts, and they could harm the save game. But as I'm using them all from the start without removing or adding new mods, the game is running very smooth.


Plus, my computer is not a top notch (Windows 8 x86 with 2 Gb RAM and an AMD CPU, Geforce 8600 graphics).

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Even though this is an old post someone else might be looking for an answer.


fix Lydias walk..




OldMansBeard 20 kudos

The male/female walk flag is fixed in the game saves once the NPC is created and mods can't change it afterwards.

If you create a new copy of Iona in the console with player.placeatme A2C91 you will see that she now has the femine walk.

Next time you start a new game they will all be okay.
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