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So is free modding going to die?


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I'm trying to get the facts all straight here.

So normally games with a DLC system like this will have a cloud based service and when you buy items it will send you a download file without having to update the .exe. However it seems that with creation club all files automatically get downloaded to your system.

So with each new content they add to the store it updates the .exe to force all DLC onto your harddrive thus breaking F4SE.

F4SE has to update each time but individual modders will have to update as well and if F4 gets updated weekly I don't see free mods using F4SE to be a thing anymore.

Edited by LordTonyZ
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i very highly doubt free modding will finish, you can't put a price on creativity and passion.


their are always ways past blocks in the road, ie creation club being 1 of the blocks. (for example, in steam, go to fallout 4 right click, click on updates, change to - only update this game when launched, then everytime you fancy playing fallout 4 simply turn steam to offline mode, and then the game will never update as long as you are offline, when you launch fallout 4 and that is just 1 of many ways to bypass these blocks in the road)


the only way they can kill free modding, is if they decide to mess around with the creation kit or take down sites like nexus. this would seriously hurt bethesda respect, and upset an extreme amount of people, and most likely cost them a lot of money as well. i would imagine a lot of people would simply abandon their games. as modding is basically a right (because it has existed so long now, and the tools are their encouraging it) modding is as important as any other form of creativity (art, music production, 3d design, etc etc)


and lets not forget, modding bethesda games have been around a very long time, it will not just up and finish like that. and lastly if free modding magically stopped, this will kill Bethesda games in general, and most likely cause an uproar.


the whole creation club in my mind, is strictly aimed at console players, it will not effect pc players, as their is far more freedom, and many different paths to the same goal. (that goal being modding)


case in point, if free modding was to go, bethesda games would not last very long at all. you will literally be paying for an unstable and un-fixable game, if free modding was to disappear. lets not forget as well, that if they were to charge for mods that fix issues, that means they are charging for patches, which is completely immoral. given the fact that it is their duty to offer us a fully playable game. failing that, then results in all kinds of problems, bad quality control, etc. it will just kill their representation, which also means considerably smaller player base, and likewise far less money. i honestly do not think bethesda is stupid enough to destroy their modding community, contrary to their payed modding scheme.


as long as nexus and the creation kit exists, free modding will exist. whether mod authors decide to upload their mods to the masses or not is irrelevant, mods will just get shared privately and eventually make it to the public and thus free modding marches on :tongue:

Edited by Guest
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Nah. But it may hinder it to some degree depending on who is in control of the CC. At least with future mod work. It doesn't take a large percentage of morons with too much money to make this a profitable micro transaction venture for bethesda. Even if it's a complete joke for most of us who will never give them a penny for such cheesy content.


Honestly it looks like the creation club was rushed out the door before all of the content they wanted to present with it was ready. I have theories on why that is, but don't feel like getting told I'm being over reactive. So I guess we'll see! Going directly after the modding community now would be silly, but that doesn't mean they can't influence future games. Think of the CC as a beta test for the future. Especially if this whole Bethesda/Game of Thrones rpg thing is real.

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