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Console f***ed up

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Hi. I was playing Oblivion, and I try to edit my stats for my char. I type in advskill blunt 200, and it crashes. Is there a certain thing inflicting with this crime? If anybody can help me get through this problem, that would be great. Thanks!
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That works too, but the advskill for an unknown reason is messing up on me. I guess I'll be doing setav until I found out what I did wrong.
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Hi. I was playing Oblivion, and I try to edit my stats for my char. I type in advskill blunt 200, and it crashes. Is there a certain thing inflicting with this crime? If anybody can help me get through this problem, that would be great. Thanks!

The difference is at the ways the commands works. SetAv stat x will unconditionally set the stat to the value x regardless of other references altering it too.

ModAv stat x will add x to the base stat while advskill will try to adjust all parameters that such advancement cause. And x in your case is very big and even beyond vanilla caps. If the skills are saved in game as byte, 255 is the absolute maximum.


such commands differs as console commands or script too.


I read somewhere that adv type was to be done at shorten steps.


Anyway not totally sure about the informations above as never tried something so drastic.


Edit: if at console, as your OP suggest, lacking a reference can have unexpected effects. as example such reference not being explicit, such as: player.somefunction or don't appearing at top screen like when you mouseclick something

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ModAv stat x will add x to the base stat while advskill will try to adjust all parameters that such advancement cause. And x in your case is very big and even beyond vanilla caps. If the skills are saved in game as byte, 255 is the absolute maximum.


such commands differs as console commands or script too.


I read somewhere that adv type was to be done at shorten steps.


Anyway not totally sure about the informations above as never tried something so drastic.

Pretty much what is happening here. advskill advances your level too. Advancing your skill by that much, all at once is just a bad idea from any standpoint since it would screw over your levels and make it where the next 20 times you slept, you would gain a level and only be able to raise a single stat.

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Yes, but I'm asking why it's crashing every time I type in AdvSkill something value, then after that, the game crashes. Is there an animation mod that inflicts with it or anything like that?
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Yes, but I'm asking why it's crashing every time I type in AdvSkill something value, then after that, the game crashes. Is there an animation mod that inflicts with it or anything like that?

No, it is merely something which cannot be processed properly by the game. The reasons and alternatives have already been explained. Just because it is in the console does not mean that every usage of that feature is safe, recommended, or bug free. There is no reason why anyone would need to use such a command in console since the standard game only goes up to 100 skill. Although you can go up to 255, values beyond 100 were not planned for, and do not behave proportionate to values below 100 (IE 200 is not twice as strong at 100).


It is not mod related, it is a part of the standard game. Beyond what has already been suggested, there is no "fix" nor is there any real alternative.

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Well, I'll as I mentioned use the setactorvalue command then.
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Well, I'll as I mentioned use the setactorvalue command then.

Needless to say if you aren't using mods, like Legendary masters, the game will just 'solemnly ignore' anything greater than 100, worse, if the base goes negative the crash is immediate. Not even skill enhanced Items will help at this.


Same to armor, caped at 85... you can give it 1000 and it will yet be 85 and so, prone to damage, not even spells or items will help here, too.

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