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Skyrim crash with house mods.


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It's not Bethesda's fault your game is CTDing, otherwise we'd all be CTDing when entering player homes, which we all do not. The problem is somewhere on your end, have you tried lowering the shadow quality?
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  • 4 years later...

Doesn't matter. I've uninstalled all follower mods, house mods, lighting mods, HD texture mods. Nothing works. All I have left are armor mods, sounds of Skyrim, CBBE, and Apachi hair. Entering a purchased house other than Breezehome causes a CTD.


This game is FUBAR. And I am not going to start a new game when it took me this long to get my character to level 54. Bethesda needs to get their act together and explain to their engineers how to design an upgrade.

-_- It's not Bethesda who are making these mods or upgrades... It's the mod creators making them. It's also the users' possibly doing something wrong.

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