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stronger grab?


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are there any mods out that make the z button grab any stronger?

if there is, would it be possible to toss dead bodies/chairs/tables/wagons/ect. whatever at people to hurt them...?

To the first the answer is yes, search for something that include ragdoll, realistic ragdolls and force is the name of the one I use.

The second I think there are spells that can do, not sure though.

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hmm awesome yea, didnt turn much up googling stronger grab heh. and is theree a trick to using the search for tesnexus? whenever i search more than 1 word it doesnt work... yes im using internet explorer. but im not sure thats the problem
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hmm awesome yea, didnt turn much up googling stronger grab heh. and is theree a trick to using the search for tesnexus? whenever i search more than 1 word it doesnt work... yes im using internet explorer. but im not sure thats the problem

search for ragdoll - since there are several versions is better you choose yourself

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