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Assassin's Creed 3


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BEFORE YOU READ: Check out my blog lol, you might actually want to follow it: http://assassinscreed3information.blogspot.com/



Ok, so here in 2012, at least one major title is releasing a game. Ubisoft has released information about Assassin's Crred 3, coming out in October. A teaser is here, along with a lot of information. Please thank me if you get a chance (lol).


The game's setting is in the begining of the USA, in the 13 colonies. You are an assassin (not Ezio!) who has been caught up in the war between the colonies and the British. The main location is Mohawk, so it should be taking place in Boston and New York. His public name is Connor, but his actual name is Ratohnhaké:ton (ummmm....). The game is set between 1753 and 1783, and will include a HUGE play field and free roaming will take an advanced shape, allowing for many side quests and factions, along with the long and probably amazing storyline.


Now, as an idea of the amount of space in the game, take Rome from Brotherhood. Now times that by 3. Huge right? That's the amount of space in the game.


You fight with America and the 13 colonies, with George Washington, Charles Lee, and Benjamin Franklin. Though most of the fighting is against the British, that doesn't mean they're the evil side in the game. With the extension of the Templars being the enemy in every AC game, AC 3 will probably not be very different.


The game introduces new combat styles, along with Tomahawks, duel wielding daggers, and a large selection of revolvers, rifles, snipers, and more.


The game will also have seasons, and is one of the first to do this. There will be a sun in the summer, and a snow covered landscape in the winter. Storms and rain in the Spring, coloured leaves in the Fall.


You will FINALLY be able to climb elements, like trees, and hide yourself in anything around you, not just bushes and hay stacks.


There will be no more Mercenaries, Thieves, Courtesans, Romani or other factions, but there will be a replacement for them.


There is an ECONOMIC system in the game, with prices switching based off of the time frame and status of the colonies. You can also hunt for pelts to sell, as there are animals in the wilderness.


Desmond is also in the game, taking on the Animus 3.0.


UPDATE ON 3/8/12: There are NO HIDDEN BLADES, as the Brotherhood has no presence on the world, so the blades aren't being made. The game's time period will be around 70 years in actual, however, you'll only be playing within 5 years, as the rest is in cutscenes and time passings. It covers Connor's life.


UPDATE ON 3/9/12: Tower defense is NOT returning. And a quick quote I had a quick laugh on:


yoba333, on 08 March 2012 - 09:20 PM, said:



In the video he used a tomahawk like a hidden blade. Tomahawks are fairly awesome, and I think they might actually be more fun than a hidden blade.

Imagine it: A redcoat is casually strolling down a path, scouting ahead for his brigade. He looks up into the trees and sees a flash of white. "Huh, must be the snow" he thinks. He carries on for a few paces and then stops. "Wait a minute, it's Ju-" TOMAHAWK!



Now for the teaser:





More trailers expected at E3 this year, where Assassin's Creed 3 should completly blow the minds of everyone there.



Any other information? Post here, please. Post sources of information on the post too, please.



My sources: Youtube, Assassin's Creed Wikia, Ubisoft

Edited by SubjectProphet
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It would be great to snipe from trees, that would make the game live up to its name really.

Or even better, throw axes from trees into the back of someone's head.

Just hope it won't get delayed for PC again, like they did with Brotherhood.

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I can't wait. The Assassin's Creed games are some of my favorite games of all time... hasn't been a bad one yet, and AC3 is looking to be just as good if not better than previous games. I wonder if this will end Desmond's story, or if they'll milk it out for another couple of games. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they milked it out :P.
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I really liked the original AC, and this gives me hope AC III will be what I really want from the series-a game that's true to it's core, but yet radically different in gameplay. If they've added guns, climbing trees, and so forth, I'm pretty sure it will be just such a breath of fresh air to a series I've stepped away from while I waited for it to change.


Looking forward to finding out "in person". :thumbsup:

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Well, the official release date has been given out, and much of the PC community hasn't payed attention to a possible delay, but if it is delayed I'll just buy it for my PS3.


I still won't expect a delay though.

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In around 1890 and up America is under control of the templars. If the British are going to be considered completely bad what happens in between these times to take away control from the assassins?


If the assassins are helping the American side, and the templars are sort of helping the British, what exactly is going on with the story?


Something big has to of happened between the war and the late 1800s for this to work. It leaves very little time actually since I can't see Lincoln and a few other powerful people as being a templar, so some kind of secret power changing event had to happen in the 1800s for this story to make sense.


If the story ends up being that the templars take control after the creation of big businesses, where were they during the industrial revolution and after the war?


Hope that made sense. In case anyone is wondering where I got all of this I suggest you play every single game including the secret puzzles. If you don't want to do that I will just find a few videos of the puzzles being solved.



Also if the main character doesn't have a hidden blade, what is on his arm? That is clearly a assassins arm piece that would normally house a hidden blade.


Anyone have any idea what his accent will be like by the way?

Edited by marharth
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