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Zekic and apprentices


Malchik laughs. "All of El Rhun is very old. We'd have to search the whole city! And it's dangerous. Who do you think would be fool enough to volunteer for that?"


Telador turns to Traxis and Windham. "You two are marginally older than the others by the look of you. Sort out what you are willing to do while Zekic, Sylvian and I head for the archives."


Without waiting for their reply the tall man shepherds you out and teleports you to the ground floor.


"There is a tunnel that links all the towers underground. I will take you there. Then Sylvian we are relying on you."


The girl, who looks to be in her early teens, grunts and says to Zekic. "I haven't seen Windrunners, not real Windrunners, for thousands of years! Must be trouble if you've come back. I doubt if I can help other than dig for you but is there any question you have for me?"


Malchik, whose angry expression indicates he is not easy to deal, with stares challengingly at Windham. "So, Mister in Charge, what are you going to do?"

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Jeri looks sulkily after Telador - he feels that he could have helped Zekic with his illusion spells.


Well, there's nothing to be done about that.


"What do you suggest, Windham?" he asks. "Where should we start looking for this 'gate'? We are helping to look for it, aren't we, Windham?"

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"Yes, we are." He looks into the air, as if looking at something far away. "Old, huh?" He seems to shudder as he comes bcak to the group.


"I'm not sure if this will help, but there are ancient places under the city. There are areas under each school that were used for trials of the apprentices in the old days. Now, that practice has fallen into disuse. Perhaps I can resurrect it to get myself and maybe another below to try to find it below the tower of the time wizards.


Perhaps the others can do the same for their respective schools as well. For now, I need to know more about these challenges, unless we may be able to bluff our way through."

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Malchik grunts. "All I know about Death is the entry point. It's kept locked these days so we'd have to get a key somehow. Beyond that the only way we'll find out what it is is do it. But I have to say that death is not likely to be the easiest of challenges I would rather try one of the others first. But if no one else has a better idea I'll take you there."


Benmerrion, the Earth apprentice, pipes up with: "Come on, we all know where each tower's is. I agree with Malchik. Death is likely to be very unpleasant."


He looks at Jeri and Raggle. "Either of your might be less dangerous. Or we could go for Water, that is probably okay. Well, we have a choice of nine. Does anyone have a favourite?"

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"Not again" Shouts Sammi to Kyrykki. "Brace yourself!"


Sammi manipulates the air around him and Kyrykki. Moving the particles behind his and his friend's backs, he sends himself and Kyrykki hurtling towards the bowmen.

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"I have heard about the challenges of old, but I do not know where they used to take place," Jeri admits. "But you know, with light....well, you won't know what it looks like. Illusion is one of our skills - it's possible that I have walked past the entrance many times and never recognized it for what it was."


He thinks about it for a minute.


"Perhaps if some of you came with me - several pairs of eyes see more than one - we could have a look for it."

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