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Malchik scratches his head.


"If they need to dig themselves into the archives, surely they will conceal the hole? And apprentices aren't allowed in as you know so... How about one of us playing hurt - I mean they do still heal all schools here, don't they? I'll do it if you like. And you Raggle can fetch one of the healers working in a nearby room. Make sure that he's a wizard. Maybe you can persuade him to tell us about the challenge by looking naive. You certainly look naive to me!"


He senses the others getting ready to 'whack' him.


"I'll cast 'feel like death', it has the side effect of making you look very ill too!"

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"I guess the rest of us had better find somewhere to hide then," Jeri suggests. "I mean, if I had been summoned down here urgently to help an injured apprentice, and found a throng of apprentices all from different schools.... well, I'd get a bit suspicious. We need to stay somewhere out of sight, but ideally where we can see or hear what's going on."


He has a look around the room to see if there are any suitable places where the apprentices can stay out of sight.

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Sammi and Kyrykki


Kyrykki's fireball engulfs the second man who burns to death silently. The first attacker has his hand around Sammi's throat. The third, seeing his companion go down, leaves ths girl and comes running up, sword in hand, driving towards Kyrykki.

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Kyrykki wonders what to do now.


For now the girl is safe sp he can focus on Sammi, only he has to be worried about the incoming attacker.


Kyrykki decides to try something he has never done before. He creates a fire around him to keep of the attacker and in the meanwhile he also builds up a fireball and fires it towards the man who's holding Sammi his shoulder.

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Kyrykki's bursting into flame could be expected to startle normal attackers but these creatures are not properly human. The thing blunders into Kyrykki catching the boy a nasty gash to the shoulder. But as his hair catches fire and the flames sear his eyeballs the man loses any sense of direction. He is soon burning as merrily and as silently as his companion. Unfortunately he had knocked into Kyrykki so hard that his fireball is sent harmlessly into the sand.


The girl is bombarding Sammi's attacker with balls of light but they have no effect.


Suddenly three new Sammis can be seen wriggling out of the man's grasp. The creature does not understand what is happening and drops the real Sammi onto the ground while grabbing vainly for the illusions.


Sammi is unconscious.


The girl shouts at Kyrykki. "Try again. But hurry I'm running out of power."


Kyrykki is in great pain.

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Windham looks around for a good place to hide. This is right up his alley, him being the joker and all. He looks for a second, then thinks of the layout of the area above and below. "Perhaps we can be wandering above and follow the commotion down." But, even though he suggests it, believes that a good hiding place below is the best option. Once he finds one, he heads over to see how well he is covered.
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Telador looks very uneasy. "Saruel? Surely he must have died? I don't like this. Or perhaps someone sent you a dream. What did he tell you?"


Telador looks at your scribblings. "That girl muttered something about Dark Portals. If you look, the initial letters of the names you have spell 'ark ortal'. You said you were missing three. And the girl herself Sylvian could be one you seek. To judge from the way she dug here she could be your Child of Earth. If so you only need light and love and you have the initial letters of their names."


He thinks. "You said Vilten was alive and not near El Rhun. He would know about the child of Light. On the other I can offer no help."


He pauses and thinks again. "If we need to enter the secret vault we will have to use her services again. Shall we return to the apprentices?"




Windham finds a staircase leading down and those not involved in the ruse wait. Malchik casts his spell and appears to fall into a coma. He looks very ill. Raggle enters one of the rooms where he hears voices. It is full of healers at all levels. They are all working on small scraps of metal. A tall mage looks up.


"What is the problem apprentice? Can't you see we are busy."


Rather awkwardly just at this moment Jeri senses vibrations on the stairs. Someone is coming up from below. At any moment, you hope, Raggle will be bringing a wizard of Healing into the corridor in front of you. The dark red sash of time, the gold of light and silver of the mind are not ones anyone would expect to see here.

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