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Best mod for follower with story


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I wanted to ask you guys to tell me which follower mod is the best, when it comes to the story?


Like, you instaled the mod, you found the follower but have to do a quest or some quests for him/her to join you as follower.


I appreciate it if you could also link it to the mod on Nexus website.


Thanks in advance

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Inigo and Vilja are apparently the community favourites, although I've never used either.

Interesting NPCs/3DNPC is the largest, with the most number of followers and quests.

Sadly you'll find a lot more female followers than male, but if you're fine with that, you should have plenty to choose from.

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I like Sofia and DEFINITELY Inigo. Inigio is constantly being updated with new dialogue and actions and is way more animated then most companions\followers. He feels like a real person and has his own opinion. He even has his own story you can learn as you get to know him and he has a quest you can do-which isn't finished yet. There is even a few areas (When you go to the soul cairn) that he won't follow you in, which to me feels more real.

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Since you specifically are interested in story and quests, I'd say Vilja. It just boggles my mind how detailed she is with all her quests, story line that gets unveiled as you do her quests, and the amount of dialogue with other vanilla NPC's. There is so much there that the game becomes a bit more about Vilja than the Dragonborn. So be prepared to put your own quests aside often to help Vilja. I'm not a quest person and it's actually too much for me, but fortunately she has an option to tell her you've done all her quests already.


Vilja and Inigo are my personal favorites and they chat to each other as well.

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Vilja is beyond large and DLC size no doubt about it she basically can go start to finish with your player as she has dialog for most if not all quests as well as a large assortment of quest she has. Rigmor of Bruma is also very well done it will pull you in and make you want to finish her quest.

Sofia the funny is also a very well done mod much like Vilja she has a very large vocabulary and is quest aware no real quests but is a great follower.

Arissa the wandering rouge is yet another well done mod .

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