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I've bee hearing that mod makers have been leaving F04 and any other Bethesda game that supports Creation club. And I can not for the life of me understand the reasoning behind it!

Mod Creates quitting will only serve to promote Creation club. Bethesda will take advantage of the void left by these creators and fill it with payed mods of lower quality!

Now is NOT the time to stop modding guys, now is the time to dubble down on the quality and quantity of your content. Abandoning the modding space will NOT force Bethesda's hand, THEY DON'T WANT YOU THERE ANYWAY!

We need to make Creation club IRRELEVANT. Boycotting yourselves will only damage the integrity of the modding community and make it easy for Bethesda bury you.
Edited by TheAstralith
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very interesting post - especially considering your post count

I thought post counts stopped having any meaning about some 15 years ago.



Just shows, that he is a guy that only uses mods, nothing contributes to the scene and is afraid that free mods will vanish.

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Chucksteel, how exactly did you or anyone else in the community get 'bent over'? We kinda all knew it was going to be a mess with some bad releases. At worst it can be ignored, at best it gives people new things to tinker with or take ideas from and do better.

How? Really?


Bethesda had inappropriate relations with the pooch! I think it's obvious 50 Cents for a Pip_Boy skin!


Do I need to explain more?

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So tell them they're overpriced in a calm manner alongside other people. This "the sky is falling!" attitude isn't going to fix that nor are the folks trying to get into people's faces and accuse them. If the prices don't change modders will just offer their own stuff til they realize it's badly priced especially when it comes to pipboy skins and 'Onyx' power armor paint. That's how a free market works.


People will buy the things that are worth it and the market has to adjust to that demand or die.

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Hm, let's see, should we go with the major overhaul mod on BethNet here, or the fixes to their Hellfire and Gauss Rifle here and here, not to mention quite a few other things. Oh and I've got my own Pipboy recolor mod sitting on my hard drive Chuck using Automatron's palettes. Should be out soon on BethNet, keep an eye out.


But please, tell me how you're not mad while claiming they're screwing us mod authors in the butt and trying to pull me into a mod pissing contest. I'm sure that'll fix things.

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