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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Since Skyrim updated and SKSE doesn't work for it anymore for the time being, are there any big downsides to running an overmodded game with tons of SKSE64/SkyUI dependant mods without SKSE64 for a while? Sorry if anyone asked this before, but I have no clue

All your SKSE mod will fail to work.


Suggest you just try to revert back to previous version and run with SKSE than not at all.

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Since Skyrim updated and SKSE doesn't work for it anymore for the time being, are there any big downsides to running an overmodded game with tons of SKSE64/SkyUI dependant mods without SKSE64 for a while? Sorry if anyone asked this before, but I have no clue

All your SKSE mod will fail to work.


Suggest you just try to revert back to previous version and run with SKSE than not at all.


Oh okay, thanks! Any tips on how to revert back with Steam? Google didn't yield any useful info on that so far.


/ EDIT: Never mind, found a reddit thread about it. For anyone with the same problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/7bdzz1/skyrim_se_is_just_updated_so_skse64_is_blocked_now/dphk94q/

Edited by Paradoxicallly
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Just thinking this out - I've already got Steam set to only download updates between 2am and 3am, pretty well guaranteeing that they never auto-download and install - but if we were to create a folder called 489830 (the ID of SSE) in c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\downloading\ (or wherever you have steam directed to), and then user advanced permission settings in Windows to make it so that no-one had write access to it, it would prevent Steam downloading the updates (and so prevent the updates being installed). I know I've done similar with other software (most recent I can recall was Skype when I *really* didn't want their crappy update).

Edited by ozoak
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