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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Just thinking this out - I've already got Steam set to only download updates between 2am and 3am, pretty well guaranteeing that they never auto-download and install - but if we were to create a folder called 489830 (the ID of SSE) in c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\downloading\ (or wherever you have steam directed to), and then user advanced permission settings in Windows to make it so that no-one had write access to it, it would prevent Steam downloading the updates (and so prevent the updates being installed). I know I've done similar with other software (most recent I can recall was Skype when I *really* didn't want their crappy update).

What an ingenious idea! Give that a try and see if it works, and let us know! I would really love it if Beth/Steam didn't force the downloads on us... (I know i can have games set to not auto-update... don't flame me) if we are too lazy to make it not. This would prevent that, and with a simple batch script we could lock and unlock that folder at will!

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If I´m not mistaken, Steam will update regardless of the time it is allowed in when you launch the game ( coincidentally there are only 2 settings, always autoupdate or update on launch ). So I fear his experiment will ultimately fail.


You're right - *if* it has finished the download. But if, like I have, you've set update downloads to only occur when your PC is off, the download never happens - and so you can still run the game, it just remains with a status "update queued".


I just tested creating a folder in the Steam downloads location, gave it the ID of the game with an update pending, attempted to force an update and Steam downloader shows an error:


No update happened


I simply created a folder, renamed it with the ID of the game (I tested with Life Is Strange, 319630) went into the file properties, and security, then advanced. Disabled Inheritance, set owner to something Steam wouldn't run as (I just used IUSR account), added an explicit "owner" permission (full access) to the folder, deleted the 'everyone' account from the permissions and set all remaining accounts (administrators, system, authenticated users, users) to DENY all, clicked OK. Sounds like a lot, but that took about 30 seconds.

Edited by ozoak
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SKSE will update when it does. Keep in mind the SKSE64 is an alpha. So it may not be as quick to get a new update out as the regular SKSE. Secondly, I found a fool-proof way to keep it from updating every time.


I simply stopped the update mid-stream, and then hit the little X next to it so that it stopped the download. Then, I don't turn my computer off, just put it in sleep mode. Now, it never updates at all, and the last version of SKSE64 works with the Skyrim.exe. When SKSE64 updates, then I'll allow the update through.

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