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Are people finishing the main quest?


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Yus, it's very common lol. If you play many video games, being forced into the main quest get's kind of tiring. Morrowind in particular was a blessing bestowed upon gamers of the time where the main quest was but a side quest in reality. The main quest was enjoying the massive high quality sandbox you'd been given. I finally decided to go through the main quest after around 500 hours and a dozen or so 'complete' characters.


My brother has played Skyrim for around 100 hours and has not seen high hrothgar, he just loves whiterun and is content to conduct his business as a citizen of the city.


The one completion of Skyrims main quest I've done was mostly because I decided one day, to collect all shouts I could without needing to be on some quest. I picked a random barrow from the map and.... it was the one the greybeards have you go to early on >.> sooooo I just decided to continue as the following story intrigued me. At about that point, I can't imagine turning away from the main quest of this one lol. Good stuff, worth doing.

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I remember in Morrowind I forced myself to get to the main quest at level 20 or so.

I also think I relied on walkthroughs back when directions where a bit up to the imagination.

It was very exciting to see the one cutscene in the whole game as I remember-- Azura coming for a visit.

I put probably 200 hours in there, playing all the strange quest and companion mods after becoming messiah.

My journal covered 750 days or so...

Oblivion, I got tired of the gates and the levelling system never got to main quest.

I think I had to go get everyone's buy in on fighting and said the heck with that.

I restarted it recently with the awesome Vilja companion mod and got to level 10 I think.

In Skyrim, I don't even know what the main quest really is.

I went to visit the Hrothgar dudes, I'm a member, that's all I know right now.

Maybe I'll find it sometime but not too concerned.

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Once I had beaten the game, I vowed never to engage the main story line ever again in Skyrim. I had to actually stop myself and google the end for spoilers so I could be sure I completed it. I was not pleased with the results.


In fact, most of the peripheral quests are kinda junk too, especially the Blades. I think that its kinda arrogant to assume that everyone wants you to join their cute little cults and clubs. Maybe I'm just misanthropic but after seeing so much canon butchered, NPC's are voiced poorly by the same 4 people, and slaying the proverbial Darth Vader of the Dragon world... I think I paid 60 bucks for the best damn wilderness sandbox I can think of.

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It's all about your mood, really. I sometimes like being bossed around, so then I do a quest. If you're a masochist, you'll love the Daedric quests. And if you positively hate yourself, you'll love the "main" quest (in particular, that genius scene that the Elder Scroll shows you--I do seriously love it the same way I love a good Ed Wood movie: because it's unintentionally hilarious).


Otherwise, I mostly just want to ride my horse. I go where I want and anything else can just wait.

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[There might be a spoiler here but really, it's just like at the very beginning, so unless you've only played half an hour of skyrim (if so, why are you here? get back in the game! lol), this shouldn't be a spoiler for you or for anyone since it's the first main objective in the game]


There are main quests? Jokes aside, the farthest I got with those was gaining a shout from the elders (I don't think this is a spoiler since it's pretty obvious after escaping in the beginning of the game) and never returned since (100+hrs). My new character (40+hrs) on the other hand keeps trying to complete side-quests so she can get to the elders but there's always someone stopping you wanting help. I think it's best to pack a Shiv and show them that they need to stop bothering you.


Time to go complete a few side-quests now...

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I always try and beat the main quest with the first character created. Second gets all the big side quests. Third, I use console cheats. Four is all mods. Five is all of them to some degree, and lots of pics to take.


Morrowind has roughly 1750 hours since August 2002. Oblivion is about 300 since May of 2006. Skyrim just hit 100. Every main quest is done. Mainly for the story aspect to all go together with next games, but also so I can give insight to newer players if the need arises.

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