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Need help, im at my wits end.


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Hi, first post here, this is the only place i could think of as to where i could ask for help on this matter.

I've been having really often and annoying crashes on oblivion and i have no idea what could be the problem since OBMM didn't register ANY incompatibility issue whatsoever.

What pisses me off the most is that it just throws a generic error and it goes to desktop, no report whatsoever, if that's even possible, with a report i could maybe, maybe do something about it but i cant like this so i come to you to see if maybe any of you could provide some insight as to what the hell is wrong.


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Anyways, thanks in advance for viewing or helping me with this issue.

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Hard to say but having close to the maximum allowable number of mods probably isn't helping. Where are the crashes happening? On load? on save? when entering a new cell? Can you replicate a crash by doing something specific? Have you made any changes recently that started the crashes, or was it like that all along?


If unsure, the best bet is to cover all the basics:


Close all background programs and processes.

Never, ever, use Alt-Tab

Make sure your load order is sorted by BOSS, and fix any problems it highlights.


If you really want to reduce crashes to a minimum, this website has an exhaustive list of things you can do. In particular, Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System by Windom Earle seems to reduce my crashes by half.

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Yeah, just two days ago i was looking for some more mods and found several of them i really liked so i uninstalled some and installed those, the most important ones being V&V advanced, Francescos lvling, Cobl, CM partners, open cities, the HTB armor compilations and Sexdarkness.

I started getting the crashes shortly after installing all the new ones, problem is i know i followed all instructions step by step and never did i get an incompatibility error from OBMM

About the crashes, i don't get a single crash on the game while I'm at the tutorial but as the game goes on i keep getting crashes till the point of having to quick-save every time i open a door, talk to a merchant or finish and receive a quest.

I can also somewhat produce one when i sleep too much or wait too much, i was trying some things and decided to sleep 3 days in a row and by the third one whenever I fast traveled, slept or waited i got a crash.

Edited by keitarou15
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First off OBMM doesn't make a good conflict detector ... it hasn't been updated in years. Wrye Bash would serve you far better in that regard, plus it would allow you to cut down the number of active mods via the bashed patch (in addition to being the only way to get some mods running together). Next, your use of frequent quicksaves has given you save file corruption. Quicksave is a known problem causer. Only use either save from the Esc menu (I call it manual save) or using the console (I call that named saves).


My final bit of advice is something that should be obvious to you now. Never add a bunch of mods all at once. The time you think you'll save doing them in one big batch will be spent tenfold in the troubleshooting process. If you add one mod at a time and do a thorough test in between it's a trivial matter to ID the problem causer. The tutorial dungeon isn't a good place to test. It doesn't tax your machine. Make a save just before exiting the sewer (that you can use when you want to start a new character down the road). Exit the sewer and go to the IC Market District (preferably around midday when it's busy). Make another save there that you can use for testing purposes.


The three day trick is best done by using 'coc center', then wait three full days and a bit and then 'coc weye' or another location if you prefer. It's most successful in cases of letting game scripts and cell contents reset. Won't help much for corrupt saves.

Edited by Striker879
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One thins that I have often seen that can cause seemingly random CTD is a background program stealing focus from the game. Most of the time, if the stealing is very short, or if the game is not doing something intensive it can recover with just a little visual hiccup. But if you are engaged in a battle, changing cells or something else that is CPU intensive, OR the focus is stolen for too long - Crash.


The programs that could possibly do this are anything that does a background update, - Be sure to disable any automatic updating programs. An instant messaging program checking to see if there are any new messages, a VOIP type program, including Skype or Google voice, MS indexing deciding to index at an inopportune time, and an antivirus set to scan every read and every write to/from the Hard drive. Some antiviruses have what is called game mode or something similar that allows you to define certain programs of files to NOT check every time.


If you can, disable any background programs.

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  On 3/7/2012 at 3:52 PM, bben46 said:

One thins that I have often seen that can cause seemingly random CTD is a background program stealing focus from the game. Most of the time, if the stealing is very short, or if the game is not doing something intensive it can recover with just a little visual hiccup. But if you are engaged in a battle, changing cells or something else that is CPU intensive, OR the focus is stolen for too long - Crash.


The programs that could possibly do this are anything that does a background update, - Be sure to disable any automatic updating programs. An instant messaging program checking to see if there are any new messages, a VOIP type program, including Skype or Google voice, MS indexing deciding to index at an inopportune time, and an antivirus set to scan every read and every write to/from the Hard drive. Some antiviruses have what is called game mode or something similar that allows you to define certain programs of files to NOT check every time.


If you can, disable any background programs.


Just a quick question, so as to not detract from the thread itself, but does this include Kaspersky?


Anyway, I did want to just clarify something: did you install all of those "new" mods you mentioned at one time? Some people tend to install a bunch of mods at one time without playtesting through each one to check and make sure it works for them. Also, (and don't quote me on this), there could be issues with the amount of master files you are having the game load. I suggest going through again and really checking to see if you use that specific mod. If you don't really use it anymore, just disable it (and if possible uninstall it too). While this may not fix the crashes you are experiencing, it will certainly be beneficial to you in the future for game stability.

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Ok, thanks a lot for the help guys, I was more than sold, i dowloaded Wyre bash and BOSS, ill just have to look into how to use Wyre bash, as for BOSS it threw me several dirty edits and one warning, now my question is, can dirty edits cause CTDs that often?
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  On 3/7/2012 at 5:54 PM, kingtitan said:
  On 3/7/2012 at 3:52 PM, bben46 said:

One thins that I have often seen that can cause seemingly random CTD is a background program stealing focus from the game. Most of the time, if the stealing is very short, or if the game is not doing something intensive it can recover with just a little visual hiccup. But if you are engaged in a battle, changing cells or something else that is CPU intensive, OR the focus is stolen for too long - Crash.


The programs that could possibly do this are anything that does a background update, - Be sure to disable any automatic updating programs. An instant messaging program checking to see if there are any new messages, a VOIP type program, including Skype or Google voice, MS indexing deciding to index at an inopportune time, and an antivirus set to scan every read and every write to/from the Hard drive. Some antiviruses have what is called game mode or something similar that allows you to define certain programs of files to NOT check every time.


If you can, disable any background programs.


Just a quick question, so as to not detract from the thread itself, but does this include Kaspersky?


Anyway, I did want to just clarify something: did you install all of those "new" mods you mentioned at one time? Some people tend to install a bunch of mods at one time without playtesting through each one to check and make sure it works for them. Also, (and don't quote me on this), there could be issues with the amount of master files you are having the game load. I suggest going through again and really checking to see if you use that specific mod. If you don't really use it anymore, just disable it (and if possible uninstall it too). While this may not fix the crashes you are experiencing, it will certainly be beneficial to you in the future for game stability.


I never install mods in a bunch after 2 reinstalls i had to do when i first started modding Oblivion, i installed them one by one and at least i checked it oblivion even loaded properly up to the character screens and some other functions, it never throws me a CTD when it starts, sure it takes a while to load but its understandable considering how many mods i have on, but then again some minutes into the game and the CTDs start, the IC marketplace is a very common place for crashes.

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That's the best thing to hear, it is much more frustrating to work with people that install multiple huge mods at once and then come back with "WTF OBLIVION WONT WORK!!!" (Nooo, you think?!) Anyway, aside from my rantings, I really think it has to do with your gigantic amount of mods loading at once. I'm not sure if it is one of those times you can recover from and go back to a semi-stable state or not. I know what I'm suggesting is practically heresy, but you may have to do bben's reinstall procedure and then get mods brand new (trying to cut down on the clutter from the old install). That would certainly help with your issues, but, needless to say, it is a last resort plan.
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  On 3/7/2012 at 6:01 PM, keitarou15 said:

Ok, thanks a lot for the help guys, I was more than sold, i dowloaded Wyre bash and BOSS, ill just have to look into how to use Wyre bash, as for BOSS it threw me several dirty edits and one warning, now my question is, can dirty edits cause CTDs that often?


Sorry for posting in quick succession, but for this response I wanted to quote this specific post



Simple answer: Yes. Best to have the cleanest mods possible. Lag, crashes, you name it- all can be due to a single dirty mod.

Edited by kingtitan
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