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Atomatoys Deadly Yo-yos


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I have an idea for a interesting long ranged melee weapon. A yo-yo. Basically what it would do it is well, you know how yo-yos act, you flick em out, and you can use this to attack enemies, and you can add several mods such as spiked, electric, incendiary, maybe have one that adds buzzsaws on the sides for bleed damage, and here an idea I was thinking of: concussive (once it hits the enemy it would create a tiny explosion that causes fatigue), You can customize the material of each side of the yo-yo, give it different paint jobs, such as vault tec or nuka cola. You can make it metal or wood, like the baseball bat. But most important, you can modify the size of the rope, so if its a short rope, the swing speed would be fast, but a lot less range, if the rope length is medium, well so is the swing speed, and finally if the rope length is long, the swing speed is slow but you can hit enemies from much further away. Its a way to allow a player to create their own playstyle with this new weapon.


Anyway this is all just an idea. I'm no modder, I have no idea how to actually put any of this into play. But if someone can, please let me know, I would to love to hear your feedback on it.




Samuel Dupuis

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haha, that'd be fairly awesome,

and potentially plausible (check out joergsprave's "weaponized fidget-spinner")

or weaponized gyroscope.

a U-shackle, a gyro-widebar through the middle of the yo-yo, and that fidget spinner'd be pretty much it.


if the yo-yo had a spinning chakram around the outside, or perhaps a ninja-shuriken...

I don't know how you'd get that to 'pop-out' only past a certain momentum... maybe it's like the flat-ball?

"throw a disc, catch a ball" hehe.




it'd be nice to have 'continuous flail' style attack for melee,

so you can keep the yo-yo spinning around like keys or a chain...

as well as a 'stealth-mode', a garrote-yo-yo... mister sandman stealth damage from the yo-yo garrote for the win

or, a 'throw yo-yo' as a heavy attack, you can throw the yo-yo as a bola and tangle people,

or, use it as a whip/grapnel rope.




I'd probably try attaching this as a

bayonet fitting, just for fun.

if we can have a +1 pencil-shiv thanks to shivs of the wasteland as a bayonet-fitting

It'd be better than the 'bang!" novelty ammo or the party-horn for aggro provoking.

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  • 8 months later...

I was just wandering around FO Vegas Old World Blues. And saw I gyroscope toy on a shelf. Those were big in the 50's. Then I thought of the 50s toy, exited the game and searched for any mods. Ended up here. It's a damn shame there's no yo-yo's in Fallout officially or modded. Something real retro and gimmicky but big like Bridget's yoyo in guilty gear.


I'd love it if the player character would casually play with it while it's equipped. Little tricks, like walk the dog... Damn... the yo-yo COULD have a dog's AI. hahaha XD

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Okay but. The problem I see with this is that you've attached blades and spikes to your Yo-yo and set it on fire, cool. You hit you enemy with it, does a lot of damage. Rad. But, then what happens when it returns back to your hand at the same speed you threw it at? And at that point, how did you throw it in the first place?
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