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What happened to Dovakhiin Hideout?


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Strange, I have looked through the Categories and listed y Endorsements (it was the runaway leader as far as Adobes were concerned last night) and searched by name but nothing. It is as if the mod has been pulled off the site.


If I am the only one with this issue, could somebody please post the direct link as I need to report an issue with Followers inside the Hideout as they do not follow the player and I believe it is related to them not being able to properly detect the walls and stairs, this meaning they cannot navigate.

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Why would Shawkab pull his mod? It wouldn't be because of conflicts considering anyone that mods a vanilla house should know of his and work around it. Did he pull all his house mods or just the one?


Just the Hideout the others are all online

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On his 8.0 Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILVVOtFDOeA


Q. You were banned from Nexus?

A. Hideout was, Keeping it on Nexus would require me removing half the content. I decided to not remove the content.


Sigh. Why was it banned? Did it have 'copyright' infringement material?


Shawkab was already stressed enough as it was with all the trouble he was having with his mod, I doubt he'd want to deal with the hassle of this issue whilst as stressed as he sounds. We might not get this mod back on the Nexus so I'll just say it's still available on the Steam Workshop for those that still want it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=7611 but if you switch you'll have to empty out your loot and make a clean save.

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Think that's a great shame, and yes I read the comments on Steam that explain why, personally I can't see what he did wrong. :rolleyes: Will be swopping to steam for it though as I can't do without it now, just glad it's still available somewhere. :happy:
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