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What happened to Dovakhiin Hideout?


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But yeah, this doesn't need to be a large issue. Really. I voiced a bit of my opinion of facebook which I probably should never have done but what is facebook without a bit of drama?


Uhm... Tumblr?


and I'm not adding "fuel to the fire" I'm just stating my opinion on the matter as is Sunnie. As we all should. It is kind of a serious matter. We are waiting to see what Beth says.

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I'll direct everyone to the latest news on the sites and lock this thread to avoid the potential flame war that this could turn in to. Lets direct discussion away from a single file, or single individual, and debate the broad topic of donations based on it's merits or failings.


While the situation with Dovahkiin Hideout hasn't been ideal for either the Nexus or Shawkab, I think it's safe to say this matter wouldn't have been looked in to further without the minor drama that stirred around it. Not that we haven't had similar drama to do with this before, but what with the release of Steam Workshop, this latest incident became the straw that broke the camel's back.


While Bethesda in the past have been quick to release blanket "no" statements on the matter, the times have changed now, so it was the right time to look in to this again.


Lets wipe our hands clean of this particular incident and move on to better things.

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