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Toggle Followers "Wait here"/"Follow me"


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Have been looking the mods library here at Nexus, but have not found a mod that can do this. (maybe i am blind)



By some means other that the dialog, you should be able to change the status on a Follower from "wait here" to "follow me".

I had the idea to let a e.g. magelight spell hit a waiting follower to toggle the "follow me" flag back on.



Many times before entering a extra dangerous area, i let my follower, "wait here", before i continue.

After taking out the bad guys myself, i have to run all the way back to the follower to initiate the dialog, that let them follow me again.

But it would be nice if i could send a mageligt (or other) or other non destructive spell after say Lydia, as soon as i can see here, that would make her come running to you instead. It would save me some running time.

In some locations you can see your waiting Follower at a long distance when exiting a building by another door than you user to enter

e.g You exits a fort, high above the entering door where you left Lydia.


Have been looking for a console command that can change a companions "wait here" flag to "follow me", but haven't been able to find that either.




Kind regards,

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With the proper followers e.g. Lydia you can just hold down the 'use' button while pointing at them from a distance, this places them into 'Do a favour' mode, then you can point to another location and click use again, then they'll go there - just as if you had chosen 'Can you do something for me' in their dialogue.


This is in the game. No mod needed.


Although I'd like a long distance whistle spell that works like the 'Better Horses' whistle, except this time for followers!

Edited by ScarabMonkey
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Ok. Just tried it out, and it worked like a charm. The distance isn't super impressive, but much better than not having any means to "call" a follower.


Thank you for the info.

Edited by Flypper
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  • 5 months later...

I came here looking for the same thing that Flypper was looking for. It would be really awesome to remotely toggle the wait/follow status of followers. Just like flypper, I sometimes leave my follower at the beginning of a dungeon. Lets just say that I'm halfway through a massive dwemer ruin, I'm approaching my carry weight limit, and I'd like Lydia to show up and carry my burden (and she is not within line of sight [read really far away]). It would be great if I could issue a remote command to make her follow after me. that way I could proceed deeper into the cave, and she would make her way after me.


Or, I've forgotten her in some town, and I can't remember which, it would be nice if I could just call her remotely.


A similar functionality exists in the "Better Horses" mod. You can whistle and your horse would come to you. However, for some reason I would prefer if your follower didn't magically transport to you, but rather had to begin a long arduous journey to find you.


For some reason I think that it would be interesting to combine this hypothetical mod with the "Get Map Marker" mod, so that I can actually watch Lydia make here way across the map to me.


I guess that there is a mod called "Followers Heed the Call of the Dragonborn". This is almost what I'm looking for, but I think that it magically transports them, and you have to pull up console. This was a very early mod, and the author did not have access to the creation kit.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 4 years later...

There was something like this in the PS4 mod Multiple Followers System.
There are three rings, Force Following, Force Waiting, and Force No Free Action.
Force Following will make followers follow you even if you told them to wait.
Force Waiting will make followers wait even if you told them to follow.
No Free Action just doesn't let them "relax".
These rings also have their own slots, so you wouldn't have to unequip anything.
Someone should do something like this...

Edited by Muroj
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  • 2 years later...

This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but I use Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) in SSE. I assume AFT works the same in Oldrim as it does in SSE.


AFT has a dialogue option to tell a follower to wait in the current location, so your character can leave them.

There is an AFT Command ability, used like a shout or calling Convenient Horses, to "Summon" all active followers to your character.

A follower can also be "dismissed but hang out here" where you left them, but they will not respond to the Summon command.

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  • 1 year later...

As far as console commands go, with the character selected, or using

prid #
setav waitingForPlayer [0,1]

Zero for false, one for true

This is the command that got Lydia to follow me again, She would just stand there, dialog always says "Follow me" and she always says "I've been waiting for you" - but the status neve changed. The console command worked like a charm!

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