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CTD while exploring completely at random


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So far I can play sometimes for 3 seconds sometimes up to an hour. Game runs smooth but just playing the game will cause random crashes. used loot and then sorted myself. Any help would be appreciated.

I7-6700hq, gtx 1060, 6gb gddr5, 16gb ddr4

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 SettlementKeywords.esm
9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm
10 a Homemaker.esm
11 b SimSettlements.esm
12 c Free_the_Beards_NW.esp
13 d Starlight fix 2.esp
14 e TabsMissingFix.esp
15 f FIXEDGoodfeels_no_DLC_needed.esp
16 10 SpotlightFix-150.esp
17 11 Wasteland Workshop Streetlights.esp
18 12 Altairp's Animal Farm.esp
19 13 JibsResidentialAddOnPack.esp
20 14 B84sThemedResidentials.esp
21 15 SimSettlements_AddOnPack_Defences_Brae.esp
22 16 TrailerParkDreams.esp
23 17 MJC_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp
24 18 WVSimSAddon.esp
25 19 SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp
26 1a SimSettlements_AddOnPack_Utilities_JtBryant.esp
27 1b IndustrialCity_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp
28 1c Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
29 1d Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
30 1e LongerPowerLines3x.esp
31 1f AirportWorkBench.esp
32 20 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
33 21 FunctionalDisplays.esp
34 22 FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp
35 23 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
36 24 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
37 25 OCDecorator.esp
38 26 OCDispenser.esp
39 27 OCDecoratorDLC.esp
40 28 Sparksremover.esp
41 29 dinomore.esp
42 2a dinoshelf.esp
43 2b SettleObjExpandPack.esp
44 2c JunkWalls_More_Snaps.esp
45 2d ExperimentsUnleashed.esp
46 2e XnjguyFilledMods_AIO.esp
47 2f SSEX.esp
48 30 Power Conduits and Pylons - Increased Radius x3.esp
49 31 Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp
50 32 Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp
51 33 LooksMirror.esp
52 34 ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp
53 35 EasyLockpicking.esp
54 36 EasyHacking.esp
55 37 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
56 38 IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp
57 39 NoDeathWeaponDrop.esp
58 3a DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp
59 3b More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp
60 3c Invulnerable Turrets 1.05 - VAN DEF.esp
61 3d Open Carry Patrol - Provisioner.esp
62 3e IncreasedWeaponModDistribution.esp
63 3f IncreasedWeaponModDistribution-FarHarbor.esp
64 40 IncreasedWeaponModDistribution-NukaWorld.esp
65 41 Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp
66 42 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
67 43 DeadBodyCollision.esp
68 44 dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp
69 45 Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp
70 46 RainofBrassPetals.esp
71 47 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
72 48 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - Institute.esp
73 49 WET.esp
74 4a Vivid Waters.esp
75 4b Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp
76 4c Verdant_Institute.esp
77 4d Better_Notes.esp
78 4e Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp
79 4f Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp
80 50 FAR.esp
81 51 DarkerNights.esp
82 52 DarkerNights-Radiant.esp
83 53 DarkerNightsDetection.esp
84 54 BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp
85 55 Insignificant Object Remover.esp
86 56 BetterSettlers.esp
87 57 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
88 58 Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp
89 59 SettlementAttacksBeyond.esp
90 5a SettlementAttacksBeyondFH.esp
91 5b SettlementAttacksBeyondNW.esp
92 5c SkjAlert_All_DLC.esp
93 5d BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
94 5e SmallerPowerConduitsS1.esp
95 5f BrahminFeederFull.esp
96 60 DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp
97 61 Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp
98 62 Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp
99 63 StrongerRaids.esp
100 64 PlantedPlantable.esp
101 65 Locksmith.esp
102 66 The Sanctuary Bridge.esp
103 67 Thematic and Practical.esp
104 68 CBBE.esp
105 69 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
106 6a KSHairdos.esp
107 6b Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
108 6c Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
109 6d Lots More Facial Hair.esp
110 6e DiverseChildren.esp
111 6f LooksMenu.esp
112 70 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
113 71 YoungLaraCroftFacePreset_2.esp
114 72 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
115 73 keke-bu Travering merchant_1.0.0.esp
116 74 LooneyLongfellow.esp
117 75 MagsBlack.esp
118 76 Nisha.100A4E2.esp
119 77 LovingCait_1.0.1.esp
120 78 LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp
121 79 Piper_Makeover - Blue Eyes.esp
122 7a NewLookX6-Eighty-Smith.esp
123 7b DOOMMerged.esp
124 7c M16.esp
125 7d P220.esp
126 7e SCAR-L.esp
127 7f T 51 - PATRIOT 4K.esp
128 80 UndyingPatriotStandalone.esp
129 81 Crimsomrider's Transparent Cleanroom Suit.esp
130 82 CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp
131 83 CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp
132 84 CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp
133 85 Armorsmith Extended.esp
134 86 Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
135 87 Crafting Workbench.esp
136 88 Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp
137 89 Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp
138 8a Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp
139 8b Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp
140 8c Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp
141 8d Crafting Mastery - ALL DLC (Easy AE).esp
142 8e GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp
143 8f Gloves of the Commonwealth - AWKCR Patch.esp
144 90 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
145 91 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
146 92 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
147 93 K9TacticalHarness.esp
148 94 155mm Howitzer M1.esp
149 95 NukaWorldBallisticWeaveSupport.esp
150 96 RadiantBirdsv05.esp
151 97 Better Explosives.esp
152 98 Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 60.esp
153 99 FactionMaintenance.esp
154 9a CompanionTracker.esp
155 9b VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp
156 9c SuperAffinity.esp
157 9d SuperAffinitySeason.esp
158 9e NoAffinityCooldown.esp
159 9f ImprovedBoS.esp
160 a0 ImprovedBoS-Automatron.esp
161 a1 ImprovedBoS_FH.esp
162 a2 keyNuker.esp
163 a3 PD_VisualReload.esp
164 a4 PD_VReload_DOOMMerged.esp
165 a5 ImmersiveVendors.esp
166 a6 RRTV_RobotModelKits.esp
167 a7 Nuka-MixUniqueTextures.esp
168 a8 chem redux.esp
169 a9 VaultTecSecurityReplacement.esp
170 aa Grunts.esp
171 ab FSC- Armorsmith Extended.esp
172 ac CheatTerminal.esp
173 ad StartMeUp.esp
174 ae Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp

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Hi there,


... I do not think you are going to find somebody to help you, and not because we do not want to, but because for somebody to really find the causes of your CTD, that person would have to install all of your mods and go one by one ( using xEdit ) and find out what the problem is. Simply put, that would be time consuming and very hard even for the most experienced modders.


You have a lot of mods that I've never used and to be honest with you, I am playing my game with 63 mods ... yes, I go for quality not for quantity but everybody can play the game in their own way and install whatever mods they want. The more mods you have, the more chances to get a CTD.


Just to give you an idea : one year ago I started to play in PC and on my first play through, I installed 125 mods. CTD's were happening ... since then, I have started ( from scratch ) my game several times and now I am playing with only 63 mods. I have eliminated more than half and I do not regret it. My game is running smooth and no CTD so far.


This is not something that you can learn in one day by the way. Just last night I learned how to handle my Nvidia Control Panel and after I turned off Vsync, my game stopped stuttering and now is running very smooth.


I use mods that have been endorsed and downloaded the most by the community. The way I handle my game is probably very original. So far, I have not found anybody that play their game in the way I do, and I respect whatever they do with their own, but for example, I do not have any texture/graphic mod in my load order. Yes, those mods are awesome but they apply globally and in combination with other heavy mods, you will stress your rig to the point that it will be too overwhelmed and you will CTD.


This game engine is not that friendly and no matter how good your rig is, you will never get for example, 60 fps in every single corner of the map. I do have a good rig but that is not good enough.


I think that you need to get more discipline in the way that you play your game. If I was you, I would delete everything and re-start the whole thing again. Yes, it is a pain in the butt but sometimes, this is the best solution if you want to learn and avoid more headaches. If you decide to restart your game from scratch, I would suggest to :


- Follow Gopher's recommendations

- Clean your master files

- Start your game without any mod, go to the city and see if it is working as it should.

- Save your game

- Install only 5 mods ( from the most endorsed and most downloaded mods list ) at a time. Before that, read the mod description and look for compatibility and load order. Use LOOT to handle your order and / or apply whatever the author suggest about load order.

- Play your game with those 5 mods only ( for an hour or so ) and find out if they are crashing your game. Problem ? Try to determine which one is the cause of the trouble. How ? By reading the mod description you will have a pretty good idea what to expect. Read the posts from other players and go from there. Found out which one is the cause ? Delete it, delete all the games since you installed it, go back to your saved game and add another 3-5 mods and so on, till you get a good feeling about what is happening. Unfortunately, it is time consuming but again, NOBODY will be able to go thru your list and tell you : this is the cause and do this and that. It is simply impossible. You need to do your homework in the way that has been suggested by the most experienced players. My suggestion is based on what their recommendation.

- Realize that there are some mods that probably you do not really need. For example, why should I install a mod that allow vendors to have more caps when I can have a million caps via console command ? One less mod in your list will help !! There are several things that you can get via console command that a lot of mods provide ... but again, you do not need to have those mods if you can get the same effect via console command, right ? This is one of my rules and this way, I do not have in my list any mod which effect I can get via console command.

- LOOT will not fix any trouble. It is a great tool but is not the god-tool and it will not fix CTD's.

- I recommend also to watch the video located in the mod : WOTC ... War of the Commonwealth .... you will find it in the mod description ( middle of the screen ). Once you watch this video, you will have some information that will open your mind and realize that modding this game is something not to be taken lightly. It will show you what to do if you add or delete a mod mid game which is a common mistake and probably one of the major causes of CTD's.

- If you are not sure about a mod, and after reading the mod description and posts, ask the author directly whatever question you may have.

- I do not install mods unless they are not from the most endorsed or most downloaded mod lists. There are thousands of mods but not all of them are safe and you do not need them all. Keep in mind, quality over quantity !!

- Getting stuttering ? Clean you game files cache in Steam. Turn off Vsync if you have Nvidia card. If you do not know how to do it, then : right click on your desktop, select Nvidia Control Panel and there are two sections, global and program. If you want to apply whatever change to all of your games, go to the global settings and down the list you will find the Vsync and turn it off. If you want to apply the changes only to a particular game, go to the program section and find your game and do the change. Hit apply and save.

- You do not have to do this but my video card game settings are : AA = off, Godrays = off and Shadow ( distance and details ) = medium. I play on 2560x1440 resolution and this is the same resolution of my monitor. My turning off AA and Godrays, my game runs better and .... it is sharper and crispy. What ? Yes ... the AA filter is a crap and smooth / soften the graphics. I am a photographer and when Nikon took off the AA filter from the Nikon D810 sensor, they made this camera sharper than not. The AA filter soften your graphics. Again, this is my personal setup and this way, I do not have to install any texture/graphic mod so remember what I said above, texture / graphic mods apply globally and in combination with others, they may cause CTD's. So I have eliminated options with my own video card settings and I do not regret it. My game is sharp and runs smooth, which is what ultimately every player wants : have the game installed and be playable, right ?


Sorry If I extended that much. I do not know if you knew everything I said and if you did, I do apologize to remind you something that was in your head already, otherwise, it has been my pleasure to give you some recommendations and help you out a bit. Let me know what you did.


Happy gaming ! :cool:

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I7-6700hq <-- guessing you are on a laptop/ notebook


which means your power plan will be either set to balanced or power saving by default. this is no good for gaming, but good for battery life, their is a possibility that your issues could be lack of resources as in power, and by this i mean windows could be shutting down the harddrive after 20 minutes, possibility of core parking, and other power saving features.


the only thing i could suggest would be try setting your power plan to high performance, however this is not ideal for laptop/ notebook, given the fact that your battery will drain much quicker and ovcourse you will gain increased heat. but at least we will know if its the power plan that is causing issues.


i noticed you have quite a lot of mods, quite a lot i don't recognize, so i don't know if these mods are resource hungry, if they are that could explain the random crashes, as this could quite possibly be caused by the power plan being set to balanced, or power saving.


also noticed that quite a few are workshop related, so i can only assume this would be resource intensive given the amount of content in 1 place.


monitor your GPU and CPU and also Memory Usage, and let us know any major changes in the results before and when you crash, to see if if its power related, hardware related or windows and or background program related. (to monitor these i recommend MSI Afterburner) - so basically we are looking for, Average usage, Any spikes, and the usage before it crashed.


Also Monitor Tempertures (and let us know them), especially for a laptop / notebook. their could be a high possibility of either your GPU or CPU overheating, if they are that would definitely cause issues, as the CPU or GPU (or both if their both overheating) will Downclock them selves to prevent themselves from failing.


laptops suffer from lack of sufficient cooling, a heavily modded fallout 4 will raise the temperatures quite a bit.


random crashes are hard to identify, simply because it can be caused by many factors, not always to do with mods, it could very easily be outside modding, as in system resources, windows itself, and background programs, and hardware. but yea as the above post mentioned, the best way to determine if it is a mod is by disabling them all and enabling a few at a time, however this is only helpful if the crashes are specific in nature, since they are completely random it will be very hard to tell what is causing the crashes.


also i would say random crashes are more likely to be hardware related or windows related, ie insufficient or low memory, windows services interfering with the game, or background tasks interfering with the game.


Note: going back to tempertures, My Heaviliy modded Fallout 4, Causes my GPU temperture to Average at Around 65 Degrees (depending on the temperture outside, 90% time my gpu will be 65 degrees, but on a hot day could reach 70 degrees, however these tempertures are perfectly fine for gtx 1070 on a well cooled pc), and this is on a very good cooling pc. so i would imagine yours would be quite a bit higher.


but yea, all of this assumes you are on a laptop, which i am pretty sure you are, but then your tempertures would vary depending on where you are, but either way i know laptops have very poor cooling, due to their tiny single fan, so i am seriously thinking this could very well be a factor here.

Edited by Guest
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