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Any way to give an NPC Critical Hit Immunity?


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I have a Boss character in my mod that you fight in a Sniper Duel. With a UseWeapon AI package, Ive made it so that not only will they always stay engaged in the battle, he'll attempt much longer range shots than the generic combat AI does.


The problem is since the Boss is not technically aware of the player at those ranges, it's possible to melt him with back-to-back sneak attack criticals. KInda ruins the tension when you drop him with a quick burst from a Marksman Carbine.


So, as the title has already asked, is there any way to give this character immunity to these attacks? If not direct immunity, is there a way to make him permanently aware of the player once he is spawned?

Edited by Radioactivelad
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How about make a perk , flag it Trait & Hidden

Then using an entry point : calculate my critical hit damage


And select what ever gives you the desired result with the function and function data fields.


But below that in the condition field, select the Target tab, and use "GetIsID" BossNPC == 1


Seems that will work for ya , didn't test it though.

Edited by Mktavish
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