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Creation kit Disapearing items???


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i get that havok error every time I load up any interior cell, since day 0. It's a bug in the toolset that doesn't seem to affect anything, at all. I'm pretty sure that everyone sees that error. Edited by Sunnie
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  • 4 weeks later...
I also have this problem with a mod I'm working on. It only happens with one piece of the building in the cell outside when I fasttravel there. But as soon as I exit the building, the mesh is back? Weird. And no, its not my hardware. In terms of items dissapearing in the CK, it happens from time to time, but they are uasualy stil there, just cant be seen. Edited by Th3 Duk3
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had this issue as well, not to the extent you have, but mostly with larger statics. It's always the same ones. In the CK some just won't appear some of the time, you can double click them to see them as long as the edit window is open, but otherwise I have to restart the kit. As far as in Game the only thing I've had this issue with is large statics from buildings originally in city worlds. Such as a Whiterun building exterior, or the Markarth Guard tower. Tried to place distant Markarth guard tower directly underneath, and that one ALWAYS shows up. Unfortunately it doesn't have a spot for the door so I'll just have to make due without it. I'm going to try and change the ID to see if that helps, or maybe set it so it's location is in Markarth? only dissapears as I leave the building, If I walk there it's visible.


It's definitely not a hardware/driver issue, just built this PC and had to update all the drivers.

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Any updates on this?


I am building a large city mod and am having issues with buildings disappearing sometimes in the CK and in-game.

If I reload the area then the building is there sometimes it is not.

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This issue has been driving me nuts too. I made a pirate ship a few days ago. half the time, I can see everythng. But, Every other time, the ship is gone but everything on the deck is still there. I seriously would like to find a solution. Everything I've tried did nothing to fix the problem.
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Bug Exterior Models Not Showing


This is a bug you will encounter if you are following the Lokir's Tomb tutorial, specifically this step. You will also encounter this anytime you place a large static in an exterior cell such as a farm house or ship. When you place the pieces in the editor, they will show just fine.


Visible in Editor But when you get into game, it will probably be gone. And then it might come back. Then disappear again.


Temporary Solution


Double click on the object in question to open its Ref Edit box, and check the flag "Is Full LOD" This is a temporary work-around not to be used as a permanent solution, as having too many objects flagged this way can severely impact performance.




The best use of the "Is Full LOD" flag is for testing purposes only during mod development; unchecking the flag before final release. There is significant evidence that the bug is not carried over to the user end, that it only affects the plugin author, not the players, so leaving it checked for players is not necessary given the cited risks of performance loss.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I got this same bug on a load of buildings I'd been placing, and by accident found out that renaming the esp file would always bring back my buildings.

I am assuming it has something to do with the creation kit being open and even tho you've saved your esp it is still seemingly making your esp buggy.

Renaming then naming it back once you're done testing in game works fine.


I found this out by sending a copy of my esp file to a friend over msn.

The copy had been renamed to not spoil the name for him, and it worked fine on his end.

So when I loaded the game with both my original and my copy it then worked for me too.


Eventually I tried deleting the copy and renaming my original, and this worked as well. So for anyone still annoyed by things disappearing in game, try renaming your esp for a sec and try again ^^

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I actually encountered the same problem yesterday, here's what I did:


Fired up the CK, created a new cell, added some light furnishing and a door along with a test door right outside the Riften gates. Everything worked as it should.


Fired up the CK once more after having tried it out and added some stuff, although I couldn't save onto the same .esp as before since it had contents loaded from it, so I hade to save a new ESP, then went ahead and deleted the first one.


Went in-game and walked through the door, all I saw was the door out, two other doors, an alchemy station and a Nightingale banner as I repeatedly slid through an invissible floor and bobbed right back up once I start falling for real.


I suppose I can see the problem being that I should need both files considering the second .esp built on the first, I assume I could work around this by duplicating and renaming the cell every time I restart the CK to make it all a 'fresh' save, although I haven't tried it out yet as I ended up a bit upset after the first failure. Gonna try it out later and see if it works, although it really feels as if there's got to be an easier way to do it than having to go through the process of duplicating, renaming, deleting the old and saving as a new .esp whenever I want to modify my original .esp plugin.


Did you by chance do something simular, OP?

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  • 2 years later...

I'am having this issue :(


i duplicate a vanilla cell and when loaded using the mod i've made parts of the walls and floors do not show they just become invisible and you can see into the blank nothing.


If I duplicate a small cell then it usually has no problem but if it is a large cell then i get problems. for instance i duplicated kagrunzel01 (the dwemer ruin with the orb and flipping floor trap) after i have then linked it to the world via load door and enter the first part of the dungeon is normal till you go down the hole, half way down parts of that tunnel dissapear then when you hit the water at the bottom half of the main chamber is missing and you can see beyond the confines of the cell, currently building a mod and need to rectify this ASAP



help anyone?

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