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SKSE64, Mods that work(or don't)


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I was just curious if there were some people out there doing some testing. I know I'm not a modder but I have been trying some mods just to see what i can get to work, mostly things like HDT and Enhanced camera. So I'm just looking to see what, if any, mods you have gotten to work or you have tested. How did you do it, and how did it go? Let us all know because we are all super excited for this.


As we all know there are a lot of modders out there that might have given up on some of there mods and probably will never port them to SE. So its up to the rest to try and support those fallen commrades and continue their work. Like I really love the Summon Skeletal Horde Mod, but that mod author has fallen off the face of the earth, which is fine, but I miss that mod for my necromancer builds. So, if no one tries to port it will do my best.


So lets hear it, what mods work so far, and what doesn't

Edited by bazinga313
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As we all know there are a lot of modders out there that might have given up on some of there mods and probably will never port them to SE. So its up to the rest to try and support those fallen commrades and continue their work. Like I really love the Summon Skeletal Horde Mod, but that mod author has fallen off the face of the earth, which is fine, but I miss that mod for my necromancer builds. So, if no one tries to port it will do my best.


So lets hear it, what mods work so far, and what doesn't


Just to be clear, you understand that any ports you make are for personal use only, right? You can't release anything unless you get permission from the original mod author. An alternative would be to make a guide on how someone might do it themselves, but that's all.

Edited by nightscrawl
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As we all know there are a lot of modders out there that might have given up on some of there mods and probably will never port them to SE. So its up to the rest to try and support those fallen commrades and continue their work. Like I really love the Summon Skeletal Horde Mod, but that mod author has fallen off the face of the earth, which is fine, but I miss that mod for my necromancer builds. So, if no one tries to port it will do my best.


So lets hear it, what mods work so far, and what doesn't


Just to be clear, you understand that any ports you make are for personal use only, right? You can't release anything unless you get permission from the original mod author. An alternative would be to make a guide on how someone might do it themselves, but that's all.



Well, duh. But thank you for NOT sticking to the topic at hand of my post.

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Yes, there are plenty of people "testing" but only a few are really doing it correctly. A successful test is one which finds problems not one where everything seems to be OK. Too many people who claim to be testing mods are really just checking to see if their favorite features seem to work. If they do they declare success. I've already seen lots of postings by people claiming they have SkyUI 5.1 working just fine when that's absolutely false. They even admit it when confronted with specific examples like the game crashing if you go to the display settings menu but claim the existing problems they've actually found aren't worth talking about because the "important things" things work. That's not testing, and it's not helpful.


There will be a time for what you're proposing but it isn't here yet. That's the BETA testing phase. We're still in ALPHA. It's far too early to be worrying about what existing mods work or don't work with SKSE64. At this stage we need to be testing which functions work not which mods work.

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Yes, there are plenty of people "testing" but only a few are really doing it correctly. A successful test is one which finds problems not one where everything seems to be OK. Too many people who claim to be testing mods are really just checking to see if their favorite features seem to work. If they do they declare success. I've already seen lots of postings by people claiming they have SkyUI 5.1 working just fine when that's absolutely false. They even admit it when confronted with specific examples like the game crashing if you go to the display settings menu but claim the existing problems they've actually found aren't worth talking about because the "important things" things work. That's not testing, and it's not helpful.


There will be a time for what you're proposing but it isn't here yet. That's the BETA testing phase. We're still in ALPHA. It's far too early to be worrying about what existing mods work or don't work with SKSE64. At this stage we need to be testing which functions work not which mods work


Have you tested anything yet? I've been tinkering with Enhanced Camera which is an immersive first person type mod. Do you know what the proper steps to convert this mod to SE to work would be? I unpacked the mod and optimized the nifs, repacked it, opened it in CK and saved it but it didn't seem to work. Not sure what I'm missing due to my inexperience.

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Yes, there are plenty of people "testing" but only a few are really doing it correctly. A successful test is one which finds problems not one where everything seems to be OK. Too many people who claim to be testing mods are really just checking to see if their favorite features seem to work. If they do they declare success. I've already seen lots of postings by people claiming they have SkyUI 5.1 working just fine when that's absolutely false. They even admit it when confronted with specific examples like the game crashing if you go to the display settings menu but claim the existing problems they've actually found aren't worth talking about because the "important things" things work. That's not testing, and it's not helpful.


There will be a time for what you're proposing but it isn't here yet. That's the BETA testing phase. We're still in ALPHA. It's far too early to be worrying about what existing mods work or don't work with SKSE64. At this stage we need to be testing which functions work not which mods work.


Truer words have not been spoken. Best to just wait for authors to port their mod over.

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Have you tested anything yet? I've been tinkering with Enhanced Camera which is an immersive first person type mod. Do you know what the proper steps to convert this mod to SE to work would be? I unpacked the mod and optimized the nifs, repacked it, opened it in CK and saved it but it didn't seem to work. Not sure what I'm missing due to my inexperience.

You missed the point of my comment. Yes, I've been testing as have many other mod authors. But we are each testing our own mods and the functions that our mods depend on. We aren't testing other people's mods because other mod authors should be testing they're own work. Only the creator of a mod (or someone who takes the time to really understand how its implemented) can really test it properly. At this point it isn't about getting the mods I want to use in my game working, it's about getting the mods I created working. And any mods using the MCM can't be fully tested until SkyUI is officially released for SE.

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I have 245 plugins, SKSE64 and streamed skyrim for 6 hours on thursday with not one single crash. One time I tried to load a save after I died and it said my save files were corrupted, but I reloaded the game and everything was fine. I don't think that classifies as a crash.


Also, any crashes I experience with SKSE64 seems to be tied with MO2.


TL;DR SKSE64 alpha doesn't seem to affect the game negatively at all. Make sure you download/manually set your .ini


edit: as for specific mods requiring SKSE I wouldn't even try to go porting things myself until BETA, but thats me.

Edited by magus55x
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Did anyone tested if the current version of the SKSE64 alpha can run Enderal? The awfully long loading times and overall instability of oldrim is keeping me from playing this great mod, I would love to play it with the stability of the x64 special edition.

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