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Pixel Glitch (not shadow)


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I download tytanis for the first time today and since downloading it I've had a weird pixel bug where ever I go I've been looking for a while and haven't come across any other bugs like it I've got a lot of other mods installed and I could also post a list but I tried deactivating them all and it didn't change anything (that said if it was to do with the textures then maybe deactivating the mod won't stop them from being used im not sure) but yes please help its driving me crazy if anyone would like screen shots I can email them to you
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Also, if you run Afterburner, try getting rid of that if the other person's idea doesn't work. Edited by Rennn
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I it looks like this check for adaptive antialiasing in your graphics driver and deactivate it if it is activated.

it does indeed look identical to that buuuuuut that option isn't active at least im almost positive it isn't for some reason my ATI catalyst control center is now AMD vision control center I dunno when that happenedbut they're not that different and according to that my AA is set to multi-sampling mode not adaptive however turning the adaptive mode on made the graphic problem slightly worse



okay had to set my graphics settings to low but I got rid of it odd with 700+mb of graphics memory I should be able to run it on medium atleast without problems but I don't mind poor graphics I just HATE lag

Edited by Divaad
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