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Quick "Simple Assault Rifle Replacer" mod edit


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The mod in question: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26120/?

so i agree with the author, the vanilla assault rifle is an abomination... as an assault rifle, as a gun originally designed (according to the art book https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/22043-1-1487091714.png) to be a bulky machine gun for power armor hands it's actually pretty good. can someone make a quick mod to simply add the vanilla assault rifle back into the game to be used along the linked mod? at the simplest just a mod that adds a standalone vanilla assault rifle to the game, no level list or changes. Or more complicatedly, add the gun back into the game and into the level list renamed to "machine gun" to be used alongside the mod up there. i would ask the author, but he appears to have retired from modding.

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Unfortunately, if you are using SARR, its .esp probably replaces all the part references for the "Assault Rifle" with new parts, which means, with SARR installed, the old AR simply doesn't exist. You would need a mod that basically adds in a whole new weapon using the old "Assault Rifle" parts. That makes things way more complicated than they need to be.

Your best, simplest, option, if you want both weapons in your game, is to just use the base Assault Carbine and Service Rifle mod, rather than SARR, and then one of these for the existing "Assault Rifle": Alternative Assault Rifle Properties (my own mod), Assault Rifle Named Machine Gun Instead , Assault Rifle to 50 Cal Machine Gun , Assault Rifle to Light Machine Gun , or Assault Rifle to Machine Gun

Edited by jkruse05
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