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Suggestion for Request/Idea forum


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Hi, I have a suggestion of sorts. I was thinking, how cool would it be if there was a special forum where people can go and give ideas, inspiration and requests for all the great modders out there.

Modders could browse the forum and find a gigantic resource of inspiration and requests for mods.

I know alot of people who have some great, amazing ideas but just don't make mods for whatever reason.

Also, I know a lot of people who would like to see mods done of thier favorite book, tv, movie, etc, whatever. This could be a place to request such a thing, and if someone else who just happens to be a modder is also interested, they could take on the task.


Anyway, just a thought. Maybe a forum like this already exists? Idont know.

Let me know if there is, if not let me know what you think.

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