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population sign


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thats an interesting idea -

a sign with fields that display the pipboy settlement data in real time, updating per period (when the player moves into a radius of the sign perhaps?)

a "Welcome to |Town|" City Limits sign, or like a City Limits Freeway sign

which has a get-that field and a keyed decal/nurbsfacegroup,

which displays that settlement's current get-that string value.


you could make that animation adam7/gif etc, look like a "Nixie tube"



I think this would tie in well with the other mod,

which has a craftable signpost - a pole which has "To settlement",

the in-game relative direction to that node,

and the actual relative distance to that node

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yeah - that nixie-tube mod is great for forcefields too, it lets you see where the fence is down, or if there's been an escape hehe.

dang if that wasn't awesome for a powergrid also.


and, it had supply line dynamic nixies, so they'd glow red if your supply line was 'dead' hehe.


I suppose you could kludge a sign from that mod,

and "place any decal" - use a custom decal for your signage mod, bing-bada-boom, done hehe.

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