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Armor Workbench Keeps Making Game Crash


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Hey, I am having a horrible problem. Whenever I go to use the armor workbench, my whole game crashes. You can see how this is a HUGE problem. LOOT says everything is fine, and I have no clue what to do. I am a complete noob at modding so I really desperately need help. Load order: https://imgur.com/a/rSxpi

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1st, the image you posted is gone, and your post is very hard to read with the, grey text on white background (luckily i have keen eye, else i probably would have not been able to read it)

2nd, do you have Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (2 ways to check this, first, would be if you have a Keywords.esm file (it is an master file thus would be located at the very top of your load order), and the second way would be to check to see if it exists in the Modders Resource and Tutorials section in NMM)

if so it sounds like you replaced the Keywords.esm file with another mod (usally happens via NMM where it ask you if you want to Replace the Keywords.esm file, and you most probably clicked yes without checking it). which means the file has been outdated, so basically simply reinstall the mod above, and all should be good.

Note: loot will not detect this problem or anything for that matter, as the Keywords.esm would still exist, only it will be replaced with an older version, and thus instant ctd when checking any mod that may be using the mod mentioned above as a requirement (Especially in the Armor Workbench).

if the above dont work or not applicable, then we will need to see your Load Order.

Edited by Guest
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  • 7 months later...

Interesting. I'm also having an odd crash only with the armor workbench. I've been going through my mod list disabling things to see where the issue was (weirdly enough disabling NAC and removing CFL enb seemed to solve the issue for a while). I just reinstalled AWKCR with nmm and found concealed armors had over written it.

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