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Game save accumulation


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Please forgive me if this sounds a ridiculously stupid question.

I note I have over 1000 saves taking an average of 11 Mb each. This is eating away space on my C: drive which I would like to recover if possible. Can I transfer the bulk of them to a backup drive leaving say the last 20 saves only or are they interdependent in which case the game would not run properly? If they are not interdependent, would it not make sense to simply delete all saves older than 10 days?

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Saves are not interdependent. Keep the last 10. Then grab a good archiver program like WinRAR or 7-zip (7-zip is free). I've managed to compress my saves to about one tenth of their former size.

I usually compress 15 to 20 save games at a time, and then I move the archive file to a different drive.

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