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View Distance Decrease Mod


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So the main issue with the Game's "no LOD" console command "TLL" is obviously that it just cuts off the huge chunks of mesh that are LOD rather than full detail. This leaves very glaring gaps of empty space where the LOD usually would be. Oblivion probably did something similar, but it covered it up with an impenetrable veil of fog to hide it from view. This is because back then, this was an actual graphics option feature. The sheer open world LOD viewpoint was something actually relatively new to the gaming world. They added this option in the graphics settings because it obviously helped significantly with performance. They disregarded building a legitimate feature for this in Skyrim because by this point open world was pretty common and they were focused on making something "next gen" and thus didn't have performance optimization anywhere near as much, in mind.

Needless to say, for those forcing the game to run better on older hardware. TLL is one of the most significant options. Practically necessary on some rigs.

So my request is simple. Could someone make a mod to decrease the view distance enough to mask the missing LOD?

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open skyrim launcer

select option

select advance

select view distance

slide the "view distance" that you want to edit

then select ok


i dont know if this will help you or not,

if not, then tell me why?

I'm not talking about the /draw distance/, which has to do with the distance objects and actors are drawn out to. I'm talking about literal VISUAL distance. How far you can see. When you use the TLL command to disable the distant LOD you end up with big gaps of empty space in the distance. I want those gaps to not be visible to the player. So in essence the reason your suggestion won't work is because simply reducing how far objects and actors are visible, won't do anything to how far you can see.


That's not view distance you're talking about, but instead DRAW distance. Which are 2 completely different things. I want fog to cut off the visibility after a certain point. Similar to oblivion.

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