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Dragon Age Origins is probably the only game that I just stared into space afterwards. I reckon that game had a pretty good ending.


I don't really get emotional with movies or games though. Sometimes when people die in movies I laugh, say "meh" or just get over it.

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I would have to say, yes I do get effected emotionally by some of the games I play. And I am sure that the music does play a role in that. In DAO I was always mesmerized by Leliana's song. She said she was singing it for the downtrodden elves, and it made me feel sad for them.


In Skyrim I have a mod that changes the soundtrack for the Dungeons and for the Wilds (It is called Sounds of Skyrim) They are both great, but the Dungeons one is particularly scary in spots and I actually find myself getting frightened. I just love it!!!


I also love the Dragonborn song in that game. It always makes me feel inspired to go out and do battle with the bad guys :biggrin:.


And finally, if I happen to slaughter a bunny or a fox, I am totally distraught. And when the elks squeal when you kill them it almost brings me to tears. :ermm:


So, the answer is a definite yes I do feel emotion, not only from the cinematic but from the soundtracks in the games I play


Edit: Oh, I almost forgot, I feel guilty when I kill a giant and its mammoth starts looking around for the person who killed its master. I think I am basically a wimp at heart....:rolleyes:

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