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Dark Souls/Skyrim


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I had this idea stuck in my head since day one. and posted it on another site but anyways. As someone who is an idea and concept person yet has no knowledge of the execution of such I decided to put it here. People originally said that Skryim and Dark Souls would be dueling titles. Maybe right maybe not. But. what if we (and follow me on this) put Dark Souls. In Skyrim? I already thought up a lot of things that could be put into the game. Please keep in mind these are unfortenately, merely ideas.


Ruined Fort - Gaping Dragon: Copies the fight as if you did not kill the channeler, found in a ruined fort near a waterfall. As well it's Acid, damages over time and drains stamina and magicka, since there's no armor disintegration.


Mountain Fortress - Iron Golem: Originally full of Bandits who kept it together killign the original inhabitants, they are now dead with Draugr in it, after a recreation of Sen's Fortress (Only meaner as the Draugr don't shoot lightning but use Unrelenting Force to blast you off into Tar that is now lit on fire) You fight the Iron golem which gives you 5 Iron Golem Fragments which allows you to make it's armor and Axe or make the Dragon Bone Fist Gauntlet (Good hand-to-hand weapon)


Abandoned Cathedral - Bell Gargoyles: Only now their Daedra! Near a see near solitude after you turn off the lighthouse fire, a fire in a old cathedral lights up and you get a notification to turn it off, you'll soon find the old inhibatants (bandits) have been killed by Dremora and Atronaches, at the top is the Bell Gargoyles who act like Dragons in that they can just fly and breath s*** on you, if you fall it's too your death no matter what due to fall height. Turning Off the Fire yields you a special surprise, A Crest, which leads me to . . .


Swordtomb Grove - Sif: YES DAMNIT! After the Cathedral Quest you can use the crest to open up the door and fight Sif and use his soul to smith the Greatsword or Shield, The Sword is Inherently enchanted. Or you can let him live and he'll become a dragon shout summon just like Odahviing, he'll remain in the grove if allowed to live.


Thorned Rival - Knight of Thorns, Kirk: Appears multiple times (unlimited but only a few required for special drops) Appears near the end of some dungeons having stolen the loot from the final dungeon chest, listed as essential so he will always get away, after 4 defeats he drops a ring.


Cursed Ring - Four Kings: Equipting the ring gives boosted resistances (25% each) however the ring slowly drains your health (I lie when I say slowly) and you recieve an ominious letter from a courier upon entering a town, which leads to a draugr filled tomb which with the ring equipted, opens a portal to the abyss with the Four Kings, The fight plays out like the Knight of the Nine final boss did only it's Four Kings and the Abyss, Killing them nets you their sword.


Crystal Iceburg - Seathe the Scaleless: North of Winterhold there will be a big iceburg made of crystals, it's pretty much Crystal Caverns but with Dragons instead of butterflies, the end has Seath the Scaless, looting his body gives his Sword. You dragonborn, it dragon, kill it damnit.


Lost Altar - ???: You'll come across a unlisted altar with a special Ring in it, go back to Swordtomb Grove after killing Sif for a nasty surprise. All I will say is, he'll want his sword back. Killing him nets his armor.


Mountainside Mausoleum - Mag-Nito: A Mausoleum of dwarven structure on the side of a mountain, still filled with the instant kill drops, but not with the additions of dracoliches draugr and familiars. Pinwheel shows up but only as miniboss (Who drops his summon and masks)


Mausoleum Campsite - Patches: Outside the mausoleum someway down is a camp with 1 person and a dog, Patches with his trusty Hyena (Dog, yes, it's a pun not about penis).


Daedric Zealot - Lautrec: Slightly comes off nicers then in Dark Souls since there's no firekeepers for him to kill. He shows up randomly as well as an ally 3 times, then he'll be waiting in the abandonded cathedral (If it's been cleared out) as a possible Companion, Yes killing him gives you his Shotels, Armor and Ring.


Abandoned Cathedral Bonus: After being cleared out it acts as a player home with all containers being safe, having a few beds, enchanting and alchemy labs, and a large library, it's like this thanks to the bandits before the Daedra came along. So it was patched up in the needed places, some bandits also come back and make you an official memeber of their band and hang out as well mainly acting as merchants. The Cathedral is basicly the hub for Dark Skyrim.


Terror in Solitude - Hellkite Dragon: Upon entering Solitude a Dragon lands infront of the palace and the guards set up barricades, kill it for the Drake Sword, it acts as if it is permanently using Elemental Fury.The Hellkite Dragon Itself is immense and can be seen outside the city from below the bridge. Alternatively there's a questline where it attacks and you kill it.


Abandoned Watchtower - Havel "The Rock" Johnson: An abandonded tower near Dawnstar contains at the Top, Havel The Rock, killing him nets you armor that's basicly Dragonbone on steroids, his shield, and Dragontooth (If you've seen the Tytanis mod this is possible to wield both) He still instant kills you. He's a Draugr so he can fling you off the tower too. Unlike Dark Souls upon reaching the top a trap activates making you stuck and forced to fight the Draugr.


Crazy Person - Maneater Mildred: Shows up randomly when travelling, beating her will make her travel back to the Cathedral upon clearing it to serve as a companion, she gives you a cleaver as well.


Dark Paladin hates you to death - Paladin Leeroy Extreme Version: Unlike the cheesecake that was Leeroy in DkS, this Leeroy is basicly Black Phantom Garland with Bramdt, he is the Mid-Boss of the Mausoleum, he can summon hoardes of Draugr Thralls during the fight. Drops his s*** upon looting his body. He also revives as a real black phantom with the appropriate difficulty increase once you kill Nito. (WELCOME. TO DIE)


JOLLY COOPERATION - Solaire of Astora: He's a companion, he'll teach you how he made his armor after you bring him along for a few quests.


Round 2 Ideas:


A purpose long lost - Ornstein and Smough: Within Blackreach is an entrance deeper underground, leading to far more ornate dwemer architecture. New Special types of Dwemer Automatons are here, as well as a second pack of Gargoyles. Upon reaching the end of this forgotten palace, you fight Ornstein and Smough in a recreation of the original fight room. Upon defeat, you can go into the final room for. . .an empty large couch, and dust everywhere, not a single torch lit. There is however a word wall with a special new shout that increases health and stamina regeneration for all allies (and you) hit by it.

-- Sentinels and Royal Sentinels: Neutralize. These two are, again, bronze automatons with more complete armor, which you can get by destroying them, these are much harder in comparison to Centurions. The armor is not made upon drop, instead you must reforge the pieces.

-- Ornstein and Smough Boss Fight: Plays out with fighting both of them, however there are two ways this fight can go. You must defeat both of them within a certain time of eachother or the other will stand back up, similar to in a brawl you merely defeat not kill. However if Ornstein is defeated first, Smough crushes him and takes his powers, this is much harder, as his attacks would drain you magicka and put you in stunlock. Smough's case is they die. If Smough is defeated first Ornstein continues to fight till he is defeated, he will then let you pass to what he believes is still there. You can return to him and tell him the truth, if you're speechcraft is high enough he'll accept the truth and ask for a possible new route, which you suggest the cathedral. These two automatons do have souls thanks to Soul Gems. Ornstein will tell you how to make his armor, while killing smough nets you his armor shards, leaving you with one or the other once again.

-- Empty Throne Room: For those who found out the truth about Anor Londo you'd understand, no big tittied goddess.

-- Hidden Chamber: Where Gwyndolin would've resided, instead you can go down the hallway peacefully, there are 2 coffins, the biggest is empty, the normal sized one contains Gwyndolin's armor. There are also 2 chests, one with Gwynevere's Dress, the other with the Brass Armor, the Brass Armor is categorized as Dwemer. If you manage to climb into the big empty coffin you'll find a teleportation spell book.


Old Asylum - Asylum Demons: Near Markarth in the mountain range is an Asylum filled with lightly armed low level draugr, and high level Black Knights, at the end of the dungeon after the boss fight is a doll. The boss fight begins the instant you enter the entrance hall, and the entre asylum can be explored afterwards.

-- Strange Doll: *Sheds a tear*

-- Help the Knight - Oscar: He'll be found in the place you find him in the tutorial, but this time it's you who can help him. If he is saved he'll begin travelling, and appear in different cities at different times, And serve as a Companion.

-- Demon Brothers. Asylum Demons: Upon entering the main hall, the Asylum Demon will jump down and crush the floor, you will take fall damage. Here you'll see the Stray Demon also waiting, and both will use their respective movesets. They both have Stray Demon level health, you can acquire their weapons upon defeat, but cannot be used till they are reforged to you're size. You can exit out upon defeating both.


Bandit's Treasured Painting - Crossbread Priscilia: One of the bandits fix ups for the Cathedral is putting a painting in place of a destroyed old one, upon getting a Special Key, you will be able to be teleported into it. Here you will find Draugr, The crow demons, and a new type of skeleton, and a Skeletal Dragon. You can find a special armor set, in the chained up boxes area, you'll be ambushed by Custard Tornado. At the end is Priscilia

-- Choices. . .Priscilia: You have 3 choice, leave, kill, convince. You can simply leave her alone, or you can kill her in a boss fight where she goes invisible, you can only get her scythe and dagger this way. Or you can convince her to come back with you, if you do this she will become an NPC in the Cathedral, and act as a Power Summon like Odahviing. Similarly if you summon her enough times, she'll give you a smaller version of her clothes.

-- CUSTAAAARD TORNADOOOOOOO - Xanthous: He appears in an ambush with draugr coming out of the boxes, defeating him gives you his armor, and a spell book, which allows Flamethower, a Flame version of Lightning Storm.


The Decrepid Book - Gwyn: The book found in Blackreach, upon use, will teleport you to a different dimension. Unlike the Final Level in Dark Souls however, this place is much smaller and floating in infinite darkness, with only the immediate path being created. Black Knights spawn here frequently, and at the end is a Draugr.

-- Miserous Unlife - Gwyn Boss Fight: The room is sealed upon entering, you must fight the Draugr form of Gwyn, he knows Sunlight Spear, Sunlight Blade, and the Lighting Storm Shout. Kill him for his armor, sword, and spells. Upon defeat you may go to the bonfire in the middle, to exit the dimension.


Sewer City under Solitude - Blighttown: Acting as a hostile Hub, entered from the sewer entrance in solitude., this place will contain trolls, and the blighted folk of Blighttown, and the spiders. This will be one of the largest maps, it will act similarly to Blackreach with you being able to fast travel out. However since there is no light underground, it will be incredibly dark in the swamp. there are 2 different paths to take here.

-- The Great Hollow: A Large tree growing under ground, you can go inside the tree and descend downwards even more. Here are basilisks with a chance to paralyze you. At the bottom are Mushroom Men, the large ones act as Giants, a single swing, you're in space.

--- Bottom of the World, Ash Lake: A long winding path along a beach, with neverending water, you can see other large trees in the distance with a new skybox. The only creature that spawns here is the Black Hydra, which acts as a dragon (it gives you a soul). At the end is an essential non hostile dragon. You can go behind it and loot it's tail for the greatsword. You can talk to it in order to get a new power, that acts as a Dragon version of Beast Form. If you have saved Priscilia you an talk to her to upgrade this form, but only if you're a female, in order to get a different Power that turns you into something akin to Priscilia (half dragon/human hybrid Prisiclia style instead of Everlasting Dragon style), However Priscilia's Style is permanent.

-- Fight or Cocoon: The other path is into Quelaags Lair. Quelaag's fight is identical, however you are given the choice to spare her, this choice does not affect the sister, or Eingyi. you must fight either way. However at the end of the fight, once again you can choose to spare her. Doing so, allows you to give soul gems to Quelaag, so she can heal her sister, once her sister is healed they will relocate to under the Cathedral, in a new nest area unlocked by helping them. And unlocks another deeper dungeon

--- LAVA, LAVA EVERYWHERE - Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith: Taurus and Capra Demons spawn regularly here, Ceaseless Discharge acts as a wandering boss here, until he dies the lower levels are covered in lava. Leaving you to the upper cliffs to fight hiim and reclaim witch clothing. The Demon Ruins then open up, and Chaurus start appearing, as well as the Demon Firesage, which has as much health as both of the Asylum Demons, and a permanent Flame Cloak, all his attacks cause Fire Wall. Kill him to reforge his weapon, which boosts Destruction (Only weapon to do so), from here you will go deeper to fight the Centipede Demon (All Demons are Daedra instead, mind you) Flame Atronaches and Chaurus spawn infinitely throughout the fight, it drops a ring, if activated, spawns another Centipede Demon (which upon all enemies being dead, will turn on you) Small dirt paths line the battle area.. Here you can go deeper to Lost Izalith, with multiple paths. Skeletal Dragons spawn in abundance here, as well as normal Dragons. You must use large Tree Branches as you're path, you are entirely at the mercy of the Dragons until you reach the inner area. Here you fight Special Draugr (Like the ones from Dawnbreaker quest), the Storm Atronaches, and those weird tentaclehoardes. You'll find an abundance of Fire Spell Books. Upon reaching the end. You'll fall down a large shaft, and fight the Bed of Chaos, Flame Atronaches spawn in abundance. Upon defeating it you'll earn Izxalith's Clothing, and staff. A Teleportation stone appears upon killing it that allows you to travel back to the Cathedral.


As well WOULD (Once again my posts being mere awesome thoughts) Capra and Taurus demons to the Daedra line-up (Summon or enemy), the Black Knight (Tis a flesh wound! Wait wrong one) to Random Encounters



Just realized I didn't actually explain the base of why I put it here to clearly, so before any has actually read this. As I said before, I have ideas that explode out of my brain like bacteriophobes from cells. And yet I have not the slightest clue how to put them into action. So as such I put it here in case others would like to add on to anything I have thought up here in my little delusion, or have forgotten. Since I know the idea would have more luck being out in the open, I put it here so that maybe it may see the light of day. Better than nothing.


And if you buggers seriously don't want to kill dragons along side Solaire shouting out his normal awesomeness then you have not seen this.



Edited by evildevil2
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Great idea, although I never played Dark Souls, it's said to have still been very similar to Demon's Souls, which I really enjoyed. Edited by BeefingtonsBay
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  • 2 years later...

ow, were thinking to small. nirn is a world of magic, and unstable magic at that, and to top it of we've only seen a fraction due to the size of Tamriel as a whole. rather than using the Skyrim worldspace, why not have some elabirate quest, that takes you to a distant land, through the mists to the north. only to awaken in a cell, once again as fates puppet. not knowing how you arrive in that place, or even how to return to the land of skyrim.


rather than trying to fight the bosses the chosen undead faced, why not try to follow his or her footsteps, picking the peices and note to find out what happened as you go.


alternativly you could arrive in lordran, before the events of Darksouls, to see it's last gasps as the curse of the undead choaks the world to it's core.

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