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CBBE morphs menu not showing up in game


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are you talking about the sliders for cbbe in race menu (so you can adjust the proportions in game). if so you need XP32 Extended Skeleton, as i believe this mod adds the CBBE sliders in game.


XP32 = https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?


the build button is only for outfits (armor or clothing)


Note: if you are using a custom race, you will need to replace their skeleton with the vanilla skeleton (which would now be XP32 Skeleton) in order for the sliders in game to effect your character


if the above is true, let me know and i will tell you how to do it.

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first, XP32 Extended is newer then the previous 1, it has a lot more support for skeletons, mainly animations and other stuff that requires the skeleton. and also fixes skeleton based issues that can cause CTD. in other words it is the superior skeleton replacer.


second, when you install XP32 Extended, their will be an option that allows you to have cbbe sliders for race menu, same for unp as well.


the sliders will allow you to change your character proportions in game. and covers pretty much all body sliders that you would have in bodyslide and outfit studio


as for the race menu option that you are refeering to, it should be in Bodyslide and Outfit Studio Installer, not the actual part where you build the outfits

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1. Update to the latest version of CBBE, BodySlide, SKSE and RaceMenu. XPMSE is not required unless you're using HDT. Make sure you are using the Skyrim BodySlide, and not the FO4/SSE versions.

2. Open BodySlide, select the body, select/create your preset, check the Build Morphs box, and either Build or Batch Build the meshes.

3. Activate the RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp.

4. Play. You should have the morphs tab in RaceMenu.

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first, XP32 Extended is newer then the previous 1, it has a lot more support for skeletons, mainly animations and other stuff that requires the skeleton. and also fixes skeleton based issues that can cause CTD. in other words it is the superior skeleton replacer.


second, when you install XP32 Extended, their will be an option that allows you to have cbbe sliders for race menu, same for unp as well.


the sliders will allow you to change your character proportions in game. and covers pretty much all body sliders that you would have in bodyslide and outfit studio


as for the race menu option that you are refeering to, it should be in Bodyslide and Outfit Studio Installer, not the actual part where you build the outfits

ok i had to romove and reinstall everything it worked then i back out the game to install simply slavery mod and stated the game back up and the cbbe in game menu is gone and the characters is naked i don't know what to do anymore

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sounds like the mod you are referring to replaces the xp32 skeleton, i can only assume however since i don't use these types of mods. re-install just XP32 Extended. ideally you want to install this last, ensuring that this is the skeleton that you and all females will be using.


how are you installing mods btw, NMM, Mod organizer or manually ?

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