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2 Questions; The point of cloth gear and how to DW


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Question 1:


In Skyrim, I can find only two reasons to wear cloth instead of light armor: The cloth buffs and the Alteration perk Mage Armor. The first reason, however, loses its validity when you can enchant light (or heavy for that matter) armor to be as good, or better, than cloth.

This leaves me with the impression that Mage Armor is the only reason not to wear armor.


Question 2:


Dual Wield in Skyrim is powerful that much is known. But this is largely due to the double normal and power attacks. Do any dual wielders use the normal attacks left-right left-right, or does one only use the double attacks?


Thanks for your time :)

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Q1: RP is also a valid reason to wear only cloth.


Q2: DW perks in the One-handed tree allow you to strike much faster when dual-wielding. Also holding both buttons in a power attack does a lot more damage than 2 single weapon power attacks.

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There are times I do not use the dual power attacks. It drops your stamina really fast. At low levels (I play master level exclusively with buff mods for critters and monsters) running out of stamina is a sure and certain way to watch the ending cinematic of your final action. You have to leave some to run and regroup so to speak. Power attacks with one or the other hand alone eats stamina too, but at a slow rate. So, I mix it up with the weapon I have, the charges left in them, and what perk it has on it.
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I use daggers for quick hit-and-away attacks. Plus, of course, for sneak attacks. I get something like a 32x damage multplier for an insta-kill on just about anything. It was massively OP, so I got a mod to make stealth much harder and more realistic.


But yeah, clothing is just there for role play purposes, as well as to give the player something to wear if they can't find a set of armor right away.

Edited by Rennn
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Of course there's no reason to not wear heavy armor. Even light armor is silly when viewed that way. That is, assuming that your style of gaming is loud and proud. If you're playing a sneaky thief, then it suddenly makes sense to wear light or cloth. If you don't want to limit yourself to the Steed stone or waste perks in the Heavy Armor tree, then it also suddenly makes a lot of sense to wear the lightest cloth and to use bow + hit-and-run style attacking.


In other words, it depends on your style of play.

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Of course there's no reason to not wear heavy armor. Even light armor is silly when viewed that way. That is, assuming that your style of gaming is loud and proud. If you're playing a sneaky thief, then it suddenly makes sense to wear light or cloth. If you don't want to limit yourself to the Steed stone or waste perks in the Heavy Armor tree, then it also suddenly makes a lot of sense to wear the lightest cloth and to use bow + hit-and-run style attacking.


In other words, it depends on your style of play.


Yeah, heavy impedes movement and is noisy.

But I was looking for cons of light armor compared to cloth, and I cannot find any other than those noted. Mechanic wise. This is not an RP question.

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Light armor still has weight. That's the major mechanical drawback. Those few extra units are that many potions fewer that you can loot. Of course, with money being the way it is, the only reason to loot is for RP. It really all wraps around to RP and playing style. I mean, I *could* make a robe stronger than any special armor you can find in the game, but what would be the point in that?
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