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[LE] Looking for some quick advice


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So I have recently joined the "PC master race" for gaming :laugh: and I want to try my hand at modding. I've been picking up on things really quickly so I thought that maybe I should try modding and see what I can contribute! (:


I thought I would start simple and try creating a custom follower (yeah I know there's like a million of them out there, but the tutorials I watched online look relatively simple-ish) :laugh: . I use Enhanced Character Edit to create my character, and I play Skyrim Special Edition. I have ~160 mods installed (a lot of them are aesthetics). I have watched about a dozen different videos made by people about how to create a custom follower (most of them were for Skyrim, not SE. or they used racemenu instead of ECE.)


What I want to know (before I go and mess everything up) is if any of you more experienced modders have any advice/tips/tricks/etc for someone who is just beginning.


For example:

what tools you might suggest using/ any tutorials you recommend/ anything you learned during your experience that could help me



For now I just want to see if I can do it. eventually at some point i want to be able to make followers with custom voices and quests. And I thank you in advance for any/all help you may provide!!! :smile:

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If using vanilla assets in the CK, don't edit them, duplicate, rename and then edit your renamed object.

Give anything you create an ID starting with your mod's initials or other identifier. Makes it easy to find to make changes in them.

Make many saves of mod stages. Just copy your esp to a separate folder and give it a name reflecting what you changed. Makes it easy to go back if you mess up.

For things like meshes and textures make a folder structure something like Meshes-ModName-GreatNewFurniture and place your new furniture meshes in that folder. Easy to find, add to or delete entirely.

Clean your mod often with TES5Edit. It is intimidating at first but Very useful. With a test mod try making changes then undoing them with TES5 to get used to it if you are new to it.

Darkfox127 has some very nice videos on modding.

Make a clean save after Telgen, maybe when you reach Riverwood, with NO mods installed (put your weapon away before saving as its annoying to do so after each time you open that save).

Use that clean save when testing your mod.

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