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Is there any good big FO4 overhauls, similar to Oscuro/Wanderer edition/Project Nevada/SkyrimRedone/Requiem?I looked at database, but kinda didn't noticed anything similary big with new content and mechanics. Nearest thing there is was a Frost, but is there anything else?

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An overhaul mod that I've been enjoying lately is Unbogus Fallout, www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26026/?


It makes the player character, humans, ghouls, and raiders all roughly have the same amount of health, no more bullet sponges. Super mutants are tough, behemoths and death claws are scary and can take a beating. Synths are also stronger. Perks, weapons, medicine/drugs, nearly everything has been tweaked. I have been thoroughly enjoying the new experience and find it to be my preferred version of Fallout. I like to think it's how Fallout 4 should have been. More Fallout than Fallout, if that makes sense.


What I can't do is compare it to Frost. The deal breaker for me was the main/side quest removal. I still have story arcs to go through. It also sounded more like Stalker than Fallout. Which is fine, just not what I was looking for.

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An overhaul mod that I've been enjoying lately is Unbogus Fallout, www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26026/?


It makes the player character, humans, ghouls, and raiders all roughly have the same amount of health, no more bullet sponges. Super mutants are tough, behemoths and death claws are scary and can take a beating. Synths are also stronger. Perks, weapons, medicine/drugs, nearly everything has been tweaked. I have been thoroughly enjoying the new experience and find it to be my preferred version of Fallout. I like to think it's how Fallout 4 should have been. More Fallout than Fallout, if that makes sense.


What I can't do is compare it to Frost. The deal breaker for me was the main/side quest removal. I still have story arcs to go through. It also sounded more like Stalker than Fallout. Which is fine, just not what I was looking for.

Thanks! Frost for me was also a bit too extreme. I'll check Unbogus, thanks! Through look like it a bit tamer then analogues in other games I mentioned xD

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One overhaul which isnt as harsh as Frost but equally awesome is Horizon Overhauls pretty much the whole game focusing on survival mode and IMO makes the game what it should have been in the first place.

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If you are looking for a realistic fallout experience check out Better Locational Damage

Offers a lot of gameplay features. Real headshots(scripted) depending on caliber with helmet protection, Stagger, Bleeding and a lot more. The biggest combat overhaul you can find here.

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I've never tried Unbogus Fallout or Horizon to be honest ... I will check on Unbogus but regarding Horizon, it's been reported that have some issues. Check the posts before downloading this one.


So far I am using : WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ), Super Mutants and Raiders Overhaul ( 2 separate mods ) ... a lot and permanent combat but probably not that hard as Unbogus ( don't know yet ) and I am playing between Very Hard and Survival ( switch back and forth because you cannot travel when in Survival and I do not like that ) .... in reality, nothing is too hard when you have an explosive weapon and nothing stand in front of the minigun Vindicator modified to be explosive.


If Unbogus or Horizon are too extreme ( as they appears to be ), you can try WOTC. Make sure that you read the entire mod description and watch the video. The author of this game is creating another and better mod that will be more stable and much better than WOTC but it will be ready probably by the end of the Year. In the meantime, you can try WOTC and have the feeling of it. I have played on Weekend Warrior and believe me, you will be in combat permanently. This mod is buggy though, you will get CTD's and it has been advised by the author that this will happen. Because I have been playing with this mod for a while, now I know a lot of places where I may have a CTD so I do access those cells, from a different direction and no more CTD's in my game. It is a nice mod that without it, it will make this game very boring. I can't wait for the new one but definitely, I will take a look to Unbogus Fallout4.

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