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Skyrim mods not working


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Well, have you tried to make the items? All the mods I actually know from that list need you to actually go to the forge, to have the correct smithing level and materials so you can make them.
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No, I wouldn't recommend manually installing mods, it can lead to... Ugh, a messy game folder, which can potentially bloat up your game or make things complicated.

Though, do me a favor and navigate to "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Skyrim" and copy and paste your "plugins.txt" file.

Edited by IBN5100
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I can't find what you wanted to look at sorry. I think I have figured it out anyway.

I manually downloaded the file then clicked "Add Mod from File" in NMM and clicked the zip file and then activated them and it worked. Well I have only tried SkyUI so far.

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If you choose to use the NNM way, it can lead to uncompleted installations because some of the mod paths within the RAR or whatever format you download it in isnt correct.

For example, to install a mod say More NPC, the path is(In the RAR) files/MoreNpcs.esm and plus a script file but occasionally the path wont start with data, which it should and there fore it will not be correctly installed, although, I agree on the messy folder point, if you feel capable, manually installation is good way to ensure correct installation.

Also, if you choose this method, remember to enable them through the SKYRIM LAUNCHER under the DATA FILES option on the launcher and tick the boxes.

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Firstly, no, putting each mod into a file unfortunately doesn't work as the TESV application reads ESM's and ESPs from the data file and therefore they must be directly placed in the file. As for the blanked out Data Files, locate the file C:\users\(YourUserName)\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini (Windows 7), open it, should open in word pad, and seach using ctrl+f, Launcher should look like this


under this title, add the line "bEnableFileSelection=1", minus the quotes.

It should be available.


Post if that works for you.

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