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Morrowind missing mesh


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So, another one of those missing mesh threads. I'd appreciate it if someone would help me find the culprit, so to speak.

Model Load Error: Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif cannot load file in Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Model Load Error: Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif cannot load file in Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Model Load Error: Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif cannot load file in Meshes\bbr\de_m.nif.
Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.
Texture "Textures\Tx_BC_moss.tga" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\tx_bc_rock_03_nrm.dds" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\tad_rock_refl3b.dds" count 3.
Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.
Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2.

And here's the load order from mlox:

_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Morrowind Rebirth 4.31 - Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 [Rebirth].esm
_005_ Tamriel_Data.esm
_006_ TR_Mainland.esm
_007_ Morrowind Rebirth 4.31 - Racial Diversity 1.7 [Addon].esm
_008_ DN_1stPersonBodiesVA.esp
_009_ DN_1stPersonBodiesBBNB.esp
_010_ DN_1stPersonBodiesRBNB.esp
_011_ DN_1stPersonBodiesBBAS.esp
_012_ DN_1stPersonBodiesRBAS.esp
_013_ DN_1stPersonClothesVA.esp
_014_ DN_1stPersonClothesBC.esp
_015_ DN_1stPersonArmorVA.esp
_016_ DN_1stPersonArmorBA.esp
_017_ DN_1stPersonRobesIce.esp
_018_ DN_1stPersonArmorDD.esp
_019_ entertainers.esp
_020_ AreaEffectArrows.esp
_021_ bcsounds.esp
_022_ master_index.esp
_023_ LeFemmArmor.esp
_024_ adamantiumarmor.esp
_025_ EBQ_Artifact.esp
_026_ Siege at Firemoth.esp
_027_ XE Sky Variations.esp
_028_ No Arrow Weight.ESP
_029_ Smart_Crosshair.esp
_030_ -speedbeltmod 1.1.ESP
_031_ Kagrenac's Key.ESP
_032_ Tome of Spellmaking Improved.esp
_033_ EnchantingEnchanting.ESP
_034_ Morrowind Rebirth 4.31 - Balmoras Underworld 1.0 [Addon].ESP
_035_ Morrowind Rebirth 4.31 - Mercenaries BETA [Addon].ESP
_036_ Magicka_Recalculated.esp
_037_ TR_Factions.esp
_038_ TR_Preview.esp
_039_ TR_Travels.esp
_040_ Morrowind Rebirth 4.31.ESP
_041_ TR_Mainland_1709_hotfix2.esp

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Wrye Mash and MLOX. - Use those to get an idea of the problem, re-installing mods and resources where necessary. Also Agent Ransack for finding files and name instances within files. You have several problem mods in your install, too, so once you have finished straightening things out, try searching for GMST in the .esps with AR, clean with GMST Cleaner (does work, but can be awkward to get it working) and be aware that some GMSTs are required and necessary in some .esps. Finally check everything with TESPCD (TES Conflict Detector) and use Morrowind Enchanted Editor to load any files altered by GMST Cleaner or TESPCD in order to eliminate inaccurate record counts. All this can be a long and involved process, but is absolutely 100% worth it.

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