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Oblivion Scripting


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Scripting in the Tes Construction set

When i make a New script i do this :

Scriptname Tutorial1

Begin Gamemode

Messagebox "Welcome to this Alternate Beginning Mod"




Now when i go Ingame, i start a new game, and then 10.000 times, the Message Box will apear, What should i do ?

This is for a school project, so i need it badly.


Thanks Stef364

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Well, I see two problems with that script.


Problem 1: There is nothing to tell it to stop running, so it will run in every frame and the messagebox will continuously appear.

Solution: Designate a "Short" variable before the GameMode block. Run a check to see if it's set to 1 and, if not, display the Messagebox and set it to 1.

Example script:


Scriptname Tutorial01
Short Displayed

Begin Gamemode
 If Displayed /= 1
   Messagebox "Welcome to this Alternate Beginning Mod"
   Set Displayed to 1


Problem 2. You call the "activate" command, but don't activate anything.

Solution: Remove the "activate" command as shown above.


For better tutorials on scripting, check out the related classes at TES Alliance.

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Scriptname Tutorial01
Short Displayed

Begin Gamemode
 If Displayed != 1		; <-------------------------- fixed ;)
   Messagebox "Welcome to this Alternate Beginning Mod"
   Set Displayed to 1

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Scriptname Tutorial01
Short Displayed

Begin Gamemode
 If Displayed != 1		; <-------------------------- fixed ;)
   Messagebox "Welcome to this Alternate Beginning Mod"
   Set Displayed to 1


Good catch. It's been too long since I used that function.

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Okay well that worked out just fine,

Now, i need the Oblivon Logo at the Main menu that says Elders scrolls Iv oblivion, to change with my own picture,

But how to that ? i unpacked it with BSAunpacker then i got the Map Textures/loading/menus I changed oblivion_final.dds

I also did that in Menus 50 and Menus 80

What to do 0.o

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Thanks, but no it isnt the part i am talking about

It is the Oblivion Main Logo http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/157216-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion-windows-screenshot-main-menus.jpg like this one

The letters The elder scrolls Iv Oblivion must change with my own picture, but if i do that everything goes blank

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